Call for Submissions
I am editing the anthology series Best Horror of the Year (Night Shade Books) and am currently reading for the ninth volume, which will include all material published in 2016.
I am looking for stories and poetry from all branches of horror: from the traditional-supernatural to the borderline, including high-tech sf horror, supernatural stories, psychological horror, dark crime, or anything else that might qualify. If in doubt, send it. This is a reprint anthology so I am only reading material published in or about to be published in 2016. Submission deadline for individual stories is December 15th 2016. I’ll look at galleys or manuscripts. Authors should check that their publishers are sending review copies to me as I don’t have time or energy to nag publishers to get me material. I request it once (maybe twice) and that’s it.
I will look at e-versions of anthologies and collections if they are navigable and have running heads. Otherwise I will not read them. But I really really prefer print, if your book is available that way.
You can query me as to whether I have your collection or an anthology in which you have a story at
There will be a summation of “the year in horror” in the front of the volume. This includes novels, nonfiction, poetry, art books, and “odds and ends”– material that doesn’t fit elsewhere but that I feel might interest the horror reader. But I must be aware of this material in order to mention it. The deadline for submissions to this section is December 30th, 2016.
Ellen Datlow
Best Horror of the Year Volume Nine
PMB 391
511 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10011-8436
****I regularly read many magazines and webzines that publish horror (Black Static, Dark Discoveries, Cemetery Dance, Supernatural Tales, F&SF, The Dark, Nightmare, and the other digests, etc) or from anthologies and collections, unless I don’t have or can’t get that anthology or collection. Again, please ask your publisher to send me the magazine or book. For online publications, I prefer that you email me individual files.
Please do not send an SASE. If I choose a story you will be informed. For confirmation that I‘ve received something, email me at
thank you
Ellen Datlow
Editor and reviewer
Do you allow authors to e-mail you material directly at your website, if they can give you a bibliographical citation?
I have two stories published in anthologies. Would you prefer the whole book. or Could I send you a chapbook-styled submission in the mail. I could add in the anthologies they appear in on title page? Are multiple submissions cool? (just two actually)
I want to see the two anthologies. Please ask your publisher to send them to me at the address on my Call for Submissions. If they refuse, I’ll look at your two stories. Here are the guidelines with most of the info:
Call for Submissions
I am editing the anthology series Best Horror of the Year (Night Shade Books) and am currently reading for the ninth volume, which will include all material published in 2016.
I am looking for stories and poetry from all branches of horror: from the traditional-supernatural to the borderline, including high-tech sf horror, supernatural stories, psychological horror, dark crime, or anything else that might qualify. If in doubt, send it. This is a reprint anthology so I am only reading material published in or about to be published in 2016. Submission deadline for individual stories is December 15th 2016. I’ll look at galleys or manuscripts. Authors should check that their publishers are sending review copies to me as I don’t have time or energy to nag publishers for material. I request it once (maybe twice) and that’s it.
I will look at e-versions of anthologies and collections if they are navigable and have running heads. Otherwise, I will not read them. I really really prefer print, if your book is available that way.
You can query me as to whether I have your collection or an anthology in which you have a story at
There will be a summation of “the year in horror” in the front of the volume. This includes novels, nonfiction, poetry, art books, and “odds and ends”– material that doesn’t fit elsewhere but that I feel might interest the horror reader. But I must be aware of this material in order to mention it. The deadline for submissions to this section is December 30th, 2016.
Ellen Datlow
Best Horror of the Year Volume Nine
PMB 391
511 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10011-8436
****I regularly read many magazines and webzines that publish horror (Black Static, Dark Discoveries, Cemetery Dance, Supernatural Tales, F&SF, The Dark, Nightmare, and the other digests, etc) or from anthologies and collections, unless I don’t have or can’t get that anthology or collection. Again, please ask your publisher to send me the magazine or book. For online publications, email me individual files.
Please do not send an SASE. If I choose a story you will be informed. For confirmation that I‘ve received something, enclose a self-addressed-stamped postcard and I will let you know the date it arrived.
thank you
Ellen Datlow
Editor and reviewer
They are indie press and rarely send out, but I could purchase through Amazon. And I believe they have index TOC with kindle release.
Who is the publisher? I can request a review copy.
J Ellington Ashton Press then name of the anthology is “Jurassic Attack” my story is tilted “It Was Charlie.”
may I send an email to check back with you in few days? I will ask the other publisher if they can send you the second story I mentioned.
Thanks for the quick response.
Again, please ask both your publishers to send the entire anthologies -print only.
I could send you a copy if they don’t get back to you. Sorry for the constant commenting.
I’m very sorry, but I’m somewhat confused by your instructions. My short story “Last Of The Aztec Riders” appeared in Deadman’s Tome, an online horror magazine, on October 7, 2016. If I want the story to be considered for your anthology, should I send you the story directly as an e-mail attachment or would you prefer to hear from the magazine’s editor? Thanks very much in advance for your attention to this.
If it’s a horror story please email a word doc of it to my yahoo address. datlow at yahoo dot com