Hargadon, Stephen “The Visitors,” Black Static #45.
Headley, Maria Dahvana “The Cellar Dweller,” Nightmare, June #33.
Headley, Maria Dahvana “The Thirteen Mercies,” F&SF November/December.
Hellison, Cat “Golden Wing, Silver Eye,” Ghost in the Cogs.
Helms, Alyc “the Blood Carousel,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #32.
Henderson, C. J. “The Pleasure in Madness,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Hensley, Chad “Daemon Insectarium,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
Herbertson, Craig “The Other House, the Other Voice,”TerrorTalesoftheScot. Highlands.
Hernandez, Carlos “Saturn Devouring His Young,” (poem) Strange Horizons Sept.
Heuler, Karen “All Gods Great and Small,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Hill, Jenni “The Serial Killer Who Thought She Was a Shark,” Sharkpunk.
Hirahara, Naomi “Jigoku,” Hanzai Japan.
Hirshberg, Glen “The Ones Who Are Waving,” Rolling Darkness Review 2015.
Hirst, Richard “Do You Know How to Waltz?” Congregation of Innocents.
Hodge, Brian “Eternal, Ever Since Wednesday,” Better Weird.
Hodge, Brian “One Possible Shape of Things to Come,” Eulogies III.
Hodge, Brian “The Lone and Level Sands Stretch Far Away,” Dark Screams Three.
Hoffman, Ada “Lady Blue and the Lampreys,” Canada Noir.
Holder, Nancy “Baubles,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Hook, Andrew “A Life in Plastic,” Strange Tales V.
Hook, Andrew “Blood for Your Mother” Black Static #48.
Hope, Pandora “Eight Seconds,” She Walks in Shadows.
Hopkinson, Nalo “Flying Lessons,” Falling in Love with Hominids.
Hopkinson, Nalo “Flying Lessons,” Falling Love with Hominids.
Howard, Jonathan L. “Skriker,” Gods, Memes and Monsters.
Howard, Kat “A User’s Guide to Increments of Time,” F&SF March/April.
Howard, Kat “Returned,” Nightmare #28, January.
Howison, Del “Lucky,” 18 Wheels of Horror.
Hunter, Ian “Skye’s Skary Places,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Jager, Michelle “Home Delivery,” SQ Magazine 21.
Jecks, Michael “The Deave Lane,” nEvermore.
Johnson, L. S. “Julie,” Strange Tales V.
Johnson, W. P. “Searching for Gloria,” Exigencies.
Johnstone, Carole “There You’ll Be,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Johnstone, Tom “Face Down in the Earth,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Johnstone, Tom “Under Occupation,” Darkest Minds.
Johnstone, Tom “What I found in the Shed,” Supernatural Tales 31.
Jones, Mark Howard “For the Love of Insects,” Creeping Crawlers.
Jones, Martin “Meadow Saffron,” Soliloquy for Pan.
Jones, Scott R. “The Abraxis Protocol,” Flesh Like Smoke.
Jones, Stephen Graham “Daniel’s Theory About Dolls,” The Doll Collection.
Jones, Stephen Graham “The Man Who Killed Texas,” Nightmares Unhinged.
Joshi, S.T. “Incident at Ferney,” That Is Not Dead.
Kadrey, Richard “Ambitious Boys Like You,” The Doll Collection.
Kaelin, R. A. “Mnemeros,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Kalin, Deborah “The Cherry Crow Children of Haverny Wood,” Cherry Crow Children.
Kalin, Deborah “The Wages of Honey,” Cherry Crow Children.
Kazepis, Michael “Minerva,” Giallo Fantastique.
Keevil, Tyler “It’s in You to Give,” On Spec #99 winter 2014/2015.
Keevil, Tyler “Samhain,” Black Static #44.
Kelly, Michael “Hungry, the Rain-God Wakens,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Ketchum, Jack “Group of Thirty,” Dark Screams Three.
Khaw, Cassandra “An Ocean of Eyes,” The Dark #8.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Black Ships Seen South of Heaven,” Black Wings IV.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Dancy vs the Pterosaur,” Sirenia Digest #111.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Dry Bones,” Sirenia Digest 114.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Le Meneur des Loup,” Sirenia Digest 112.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “The Aubergine Alphabet,” Sirenia Digest #109 and 110.
Kilpatrick, Nancy “A Crazy Mistake,” The Madness of Cthulhu.
Kilpatrick, Nancy “Mourning People,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Kim, Alice Sola “A Residence for Friendless Ladies,” F&SF March/April.
King, Jacob Michael “Quo Vadis,” Buffalo Almanack #7.
Koryata, Michael “On the Dark Side of Sunlight Basin,” Seize the Night.
Kowal, Mary Robinette “Midnight Hour,” Uncanny Issue #5.
Kressel, Matthew “Demon in Aisle 6,” Nightmare, November #38.
Kuder, Rebecca “Rabbit, Cat, Girl,” XIII.
Lafferty, Mur “In the Walls,” Drabblecast September.
Langan, John “Aphanisis,” Slave Stories: Scenes from the Slave State.
Langan, John “Corpsemouth,” The Monstrous.
Langan, John “Shadow and Thirst,” Seize the Night.
Langan, John “The Communion of Saints,” Giallo Fantastique.
Langan, John “The Open Mouth of Charybdis,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Langan, Sarah “The Old Jail,” The Blumhouse Book of Nightmares.
Lannes, Roberta “A Raven in the Dove’s Nest,” The Library of the Dead.
Lannes, Roberta “Scarecrow,” October Dreams II.
Lansdale, Joe R. “In the Mad Mountains,” (novella) The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Larner, S.G. “Three Trophies, SQ Magazine 20.
Łaszkiewicz, Weronika “Monster,” (poem), Star*Line, fall.
Laws, Stephen “The End of the Pier,” Terror Tales of the Ocean.
Lebbon, Tim “Skin and Bone,” The Doll Collection.
Lee, Tanith “The Return of Berenice,” nEvermore.
Leslie, V.H. “Bleak Midwinter,” Skein and Bone.
Leslie, V.H. “Ghost,” Skein and Bone.
Leslie, V.H. “Precious Things,” The Outsiders.
LeVoit, Violet “The Electric Palace,” Hanzai Japan.
Lillie, Patricia “The Cuckoo Girls,” Nightscript I.
Lindqvist, John Ajvide “What Kept You So Long?” Seize the Night.
Little, Bentley “Painting by Numbers,” Better Weird.
Littlewood, Alison “The Mystery of the Red City,” The Mammoth Bk of SH Abroad.
Littlewood, Alison “Wolves and Witches and Bears,” Nightmare #34, July.
Logan, Kirsty “Mother of Gians,” The Dark #9.
Long, Nathan Alling “Purses,” Strange Tales V.
Lotz, S. “That Woman,” African Monsters.
Lupescu, Valya Dudycz “Cask,” Schlock Magazine March.
Lynch, H. Andrew “The Rainbow Gun,” Bourbon Penn #10.
Maberry, Jonathan “A Footnote in the Black Budget,” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Maberry, Jonathan “Dream a Little Dream of Me,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Machado, Carmen Maria “I Bury Myself,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #33, July.
MacLeod, Bracken “Morgenstern’s Last Act,” Eulogies III.
Malerman, Josh “A Fiddlehead Party on Carpenter’s Farm,” Shadows over Main Street.
Mamatas, Nick “The Twentieth Century Man,” Ghost in the Cogs.
Mamatas, Nick “Χταπόδι Σαλάτα,” Shadows over Main Street.
Mammone, Robert “Refugees, “ Darkest Minds.
Manzetti, Alessandro “Red Monsoon,” (poem) Eden Underground.
Manzetti, Alessandro “The Dead Circus,” (poem) Eden Underground.
Marshall, Helen “Exposure,” Cassilda’s Song.
Marshall, Helen “The Vault of Heaven,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Martin, Anya “Old Tsah-Hov,” Cassilda’s Song.
Martin, Anya “Sensoria,” Giallo Fantastique.
Martin, Gail Z. “Old Nonna,” The Big Bad II.
Maruyama, Kate “Akiko,” Phantasma: Stories.
Massie, Elizabeth “Fly Away Home,” Eulogies III.
Matheson, Richard Christian “133,” nEvermore.
McAllister, Bruce “Dog,” Tor.com March 25.
McAllister, Bruce “DreamPet,” F&SF November/December.
McBride, Michael “Tears of the Dragon,” The Library of the Dead.
McDermott, J.M. “Everything is Haunted,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #32.
McDowell, Ian “Dear Dead Jenny,” October Dreams II.
McFadden, Dennis “God is Good,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine January.
McGroarty, David “McBIRDY,” Strange Tales V.
McGuinness, Reiss “Spinal Piano,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
McGuire, Seanan “Down Deep, Below the Waves,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
McGuire, Seanan “Something Lost, Something Gained,” Seize the Night.
McHugh, Maura “Family,” Cassilda’s Song.
McMahon, Gary “Silent Waters, Running Deep,” Sharkpunk.
McMahon, Gary “There’s a Bluebird in My Heart,” chapbook.
McMahon, Gary “Unicorn Meat,” SQ Magazine #20.
McMullen, C.S. “The Other-Faced Lamb,” Aurealis #82.
McNeil, Kevin “The Ghost of You Lingers, The Dark #8.
McNeilly, Sara K. “Perfect Mime,” The Journal of Unlikely Coulrophobia 11.5.
McNish, Cliff “Who Will Stop Me Now?” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Meikle, William “The Banshee,” Carnacki: The Watcher at the Gate.
Meikle, William “The China Dolls,” Carnacki: The Watcher at the Gate.
Melican, Michael, J. “Enfolded,” Aurealis #78.
Metz, Jason “Single Lens Reflection,” Exigencies.
Miéville, China “Listen the Birds,” Conjunctions $64.
Miller, Sam J. “The Heat of Us,” Uncanny Issue #2.
Mills, Daniel “Below the Falls,” Nightscript I.
Mills, Daniel “The Lake,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Millsted, Ian “House Blood,” North by Southwest.
Moan, Lee “The Shoal,” Anything But Zombies.
Mock, Sharon “Notes Found in a Decommissioned Asylum…,”She Walks in Shadows.
Modi, Nissar “The Darkish Man,” The Blumhouse Book of Nightmares.
Mohlere, Virginia M. “A Million Tiny Ropes,” The Journal of Unlikely Coulrophobia.
Moore, Alison “The Harvestman,” Nightjar Press.
Moore, Matt “One Last Drop of Blood to Remember Me By,” Eulogies III.
Moore, Ralph Robert “Learning Not to Smile,” Nightscript I.
Moore, Ralph Robert “Men Wearing Makeup,” Black Static #46.
Moore, Ralph Robert “You Dry Your Tears If They Don’t Work,” Creeping Crawlers.
Moraine, Sunny “A Shadow on the Sky,” Mythic Delirium Jan-March.
Moraine, Sunny “Eyes I Dare Not Meet in Dreams,” Cyborgology June.
Morano, K. Z. “YŪrei no Yado,” Ghosts Revenge.
Moreno-Garcia, Silvia “Blood Alone Remains,” Postscripts to Darkness 6.
Moreno-Garcia, Silvia “Cemetery Man,” Edge of Sundown.
Morris, Edward “Tekeli-Li!,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Morrison, Matthew J. “Sins of Meals Past,” Insert Title Here.
Morrison, Sarah “Flowers of the Chapel,” The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper.
Morton, Lisa “A Girl’s Life,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Morton, Lisa “The Ogre,” Shadows over Main Street.
Morton, Lisa “Woollen Shirts and Gum Boots,” Blurring the Line.
Muir, Tamsyn “The Deepwater Bride,” F&SF July/August.
Munro, Karen “The Garden,” Nightmare #29, February.
Murakami, Haruki “Kino,” The New Yorker, February 23.
Nadel, Barbara “Our Little Secret,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine February.
Nagamatsu, Sequoia “The Return to Monsterland,” Conjunctions:64 Natural Causes.
Nahrung, Jason “Night Blooming,” SQ Mag 19, March.
Nevill, Adam L. G. “Call the Name,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Newman, Kim “Guignol,” (novella) Horrorology.
Nicolay, Scott “The Wizard of OK,” Resonator.
Niveau, Thana “Behind the Wall,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Niveau, Thana “Going to the Sun Mountain,” Black Static #49.
Oates, Joyce Carol “The Doll-Master,” The Doll Collection.
Ochse, Weston “The Devil Until the Credits Roll,” Midian Unmade.
Oliver, Jennifer K. “Shuffle,” Kaleidotrope summer.
Oliver, Reggie “Trouble at Botathan,” The Sea of Blood.
Opperman, K. A. “In Fits of Wildest Dreams,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
Opperman, K.A. “The Blood Garden,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Padgett, Jon “The Secret of Ventriloquism” Lovecraft Ezine #35.
Palahniuk, Chuck “Red Sultan’s Big Boy.” Make Something Up.
Palahniuk, Chuck “The Toad Prince,” Make Something Up.
Palisano, John “Lucky Chuck Takes the Sunshine Express,” Whispers from the Abyss 2.
Parker, Lehua “Red,” Old Scratch and Owl Hoots.
Parker, Rosalie “Selkie—A Scottish Idyll,” Supernatural Tales 29, spring.
Partridge, Norman “Special Collections,” The Library of the Dead.
[…] specifically for readers on the go. Four of the included authors (Laird Barron, Cody Goodfellow, John Palisano, and Jonathan Sharp) have received Honorable Mentions in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year […]
Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. 🙂