Adjei-Brenyah, Nana Kwame “Friday Black,” Friday Black.
Allred, Rebecca J. “Beyond the Veil of Pretty Pink Lies,” Pickman’s Gallery.
Alonso, Mariano “Nemesia’s Garden,” Cemetery Dance #76.
Anderson, G.V.” Down Where the Sound Comes Blunt,” F&SF March/April.
Anderson, Gail-Nina “Variant Versions,” A Ghosts & Scholars book of Folk Horror.
Anderson, Paul Michael “I Can Give You Life,” Ashes and Entropy.
Anderson, Paul Michael “Wants and Needs,” Suspended in Dusk II.
Armstrong, Kelley “Absinthe & Angels,” Hark! The Herald Angels Scream.
Armstrong, Kelley “Invitation to the Game,” Dark Screams Volume 9.
Ashworth, Jenn “Old Trash,” This Dreaming Isle.
Avery, Simon “Songs For Dwindled Gods,” Occult Detective Quarterly #4, Spring.
Avery, Simon “Why We Don’t Go Back,” Black Static 64,July/August.
Bailey, Michael “Speaking Cursive,” Birthing Monsters…
Barber, Jenny “Down Along the Backroads,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors.
Bartlett, Matthew M. “Monica in the Hall of Moths,” Uncertainties Volume III.
Bear, Elizabeth “She Still Loves the Dragon,” Uncanny 20.
Beck, Alp “Heels,” A New York State of Fright.
Bell, Peter “Many Shades of Red,” Revenants & Maledictions.
Bell, Peter “The Robing of the Bride,” Ibid.
Bell, Peter “The Virgin Mary Well,” Ibid.
Bell, Peter “Wild Wales,” Ibid.
Benedict, A. K. The Adjoining Room,” Phantoms.
Benedict, R. S. “Morbier,” F&SF July/August.
Bergmann, F. J. “Long Time, No See,” (poem) Vastarien 3.
Berguño, George “The Woman From Malta,” A Book of the Sea.
Bestwick, Simon “Deadwater,” The Devil and the Deep.
Bestwick, Simon “If I Should Fall From Grace With God,” Crimewave 13: Bad Light.
Bestwick, Simon “The Bells of Rainey,” Great British Horror 3: For Those in Peril.
Beveridge, Robert “Try the Veal,” Vastarien 1.
Biggin, Rose “The New Woman,” (novella) Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein.
Blackwell, Laura “Nonpareil,” Tales From the Lake Volume 5.
Blomquist, Peri Fae “Mother Giant,” (poem) Mythic Delirium, April/June.
Bolander, Brooke “The Tale of the Three Beautiful Raptor Sisters and…”Uncanny 23.
Braum, Daniel “The Monkey Coat,” Nightscript IV
Breukelaar, J.S. “Raining Street,” Black Static 63, May-June.
Bristow, Emmie “Nightly Senses,” (poem) Vastarien 3.
Broaddus, Maurice/Cardno, Anthony R. “Wolf at the Door,” Chiral Mad 4.
Brown, Jasmine “Travesty,” BFS Horizons #8.
Bruce, Georgina “Her Blood the Apples, Her Bones the Tree,” The Silent Garden.
Bruce, Georgina “The Seas of the Moon,” Great British Horror 3: For Those in Peril.
Buehlman, Christopher “Motel Nine,” Lost Highways.
Bulkin, Nadia “Flesh Without Blood,” Ashes and Entropy.
Burke, Chesya/LH Moore “Peregrination,” Chiral Mad 4.
Cade, Octavia “We Feed the Bears of Fire and Ice,” Strange Horizons May.
Campbell, Ramsey “Some Kind of Laugh,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors. Campbell, Ramsey “The Devil in the Details,” The Dreaming Isle.
Campbell, Ramsey “The Devil in the Details,” The Dreaming Isle.
Campbell, Ramsey “The Fun of the Fair,” The Light of My Skull.
Campbell, Ramsey “The Run of the Town,” Dark Discoveries #38, spring.
Campbell, Rebecca “An Incomplete Catalogue of Miraculous…” Shimmer 41
Casey, Maud “Father, Ether, Sea,” Conjunctions 71 A Cabinet of Curiosity.
Cassell, Mark “The Commission,” Sussex Horrors.
Castro, Adam-Troy “Pitcher Plant,” Nightmare 67 May.
Castro, Adam-Troy “The Ten Things She Said While Dying….” Nightmare 75 Dec.
Cesare, Adam “The Southern Thing,” Welcome to the Show.
Chan L “One Last Wayang,” A World of Horror.
Chinn, Mike “Eigenspace X,” Pickman’s Gallery.
Chronister, Kay “Russula’s Wake” The Dark 43.
Chronister, Kay “Your Clothes a Sepulcher, Your Body a Grave,” Black Static #62.
Cipri, Nino “Dead Air,” Nightmare 71 August.
Cipriano, Margaret “In the Century of Specialty,” MAR XXXVIII, Number 1.
Clark, Alan M. “What Sort of Rube,” Welcome to the Show.
Clark, Chloe N. “Leopard Seals,” Supernatural Tales 37.
Clark, Chloe N. “Like the Absence,” Supernatural Tales 39.
Clark, Phenderson Djèlí “The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth…” Fireside Feb.
Clark, Stephen J. “The Figurehead of the Cailleach,” Book of the Sea.
Clarke, Cassandra Rose “The Adjunct,” F&SF July/August.
Claybourne, ZZ “Sundown Town,” Down Home Country Vampire.
Cluley, Ray “Bluey,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors.
Cluley, Ray “Steel Bodies,” New Fears 2.
Cluley, Ray “The Man At Table Nine,” A World of Horror.
Cluley, Ray “Trapper’s Valley,” Crimewave 13: Bad Light.
Cohen, Michael Harris “He Dies Where I Die,” The Dark 33.
Cole, Adrian “No Other God But Me,” What October Brings.
Collins, Wenmimareba Klobah “Walking Off the Doe Skin,” The Dark 43.
Constantine, Storm “La Ténébreuse,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors.
Cooke, Tim “Asylum,” Black Static 64, July/August.
Cowdrey, Albert E. “Behold the Child,” F&SF May/June.
Cowen, David E. “Loogaroo,” (poem) Bleeding Saffron.
Cowen, David E. “nothing an freeze the flow”(poem) Ibid.
Cowen, David E. “The Nightmare”(poem) Ibid.
Cowen, David E. “Tontons Macoute,” (poem) Ibid.
Cowen, David E. “Twilight,” (poem) Ibid.
Cowens, Debbie and Matt “The Ward of Tindalos,” Cthulhu Land of the Long...
Cox, Brett F. “Elimination of Restraint and Seclusion,” The End of All Our Exploring
Cox, Cardinal “Troll Bones,” (poem) BFS Horizons #8.
Crandall, Jeff “What Loves You,” (poem) F&SF Sept/Oct.
Cruz, José “The Shepherd,” GigoNotosaurus October.
Dagorn, Armel “All Is There Already, Just Not Seen Yet,” Nightscript IV.
Daniel, Rhea “The Nightmare,” A World of Horror.
Davitt, Deborah L. “Lupus Familiaris,” (poem) Star*Line 41. 4, Fall.
Davitt, Deborah L. “The Swarm,” (poem) Star*Line 41. 4, Fall.
Day, Holly “Laika, (poem), Dreams & Nightmares 109 May.
Day, Julie C. “Re-Stitched,” Split Lip Magazine January.
Dean, P. R. “Car on Fire Near Alice Springs,” Aurealis #110.
DeMeester, Kristi “Stag,” Lost Films.
Dicken, Evan “All of Us Told, All of It real,” Strange Horizons April.
Dickens, Evan & Ludens, Adrian “Esoteric Insurance,” Corporate Cthulhu.
Dillon, Mark Fuller “In the Valley of the Night-Forms,”(poem) Ice and Autumn Glass.
Dines, Steven J. “Looking for Landau,” Interzone 275, May/June.
Dines, Steven J. “The Harder It Gets, the Softer We Sing,” Black Static 63, May-June.
Dumars, Denise “Broad Daylight,” (poem) Poetry Showcase Volume V.
Duncan, Andy “An Agent of Utopia,” An Agent of Utopia.
Dunn, Steven “The Taxidermy Museum,” Granta: Animalia #142.
Ebersole, James “On the Verge of Sleep, At the Edge…” (poem) Poetry Showcase V.
Ebersole, James “The Phénakistacope of Decay,”TheMammothBkofHalloweenStories
Edwards, Kayleigh Marie “The Perfect Day To Be At Sea,” Great British Horror 3:
Eisele, Michael “Willow Rawnie,” Tree Spirit and Other Strange Tales.
Elsbai, Hadeer “Your Damnation Will Be Infinite,” The Dark 34.
Evenson, Brian “Lather of Flies,” Lost Films.
Evenson, Brian “Leaking Out,” New Fears 2.
Evenson, Brian “Song for the Unravelling of the World,” Bourbon Penn 15.
Evenson, Brian “The Law of Expansion,” Tiny Crimes.
Eximeno, Santiago, “Noverim Te,” Monsters of Any Kind.
Fahey, Tracy “I. See. You.” New Music For Old Rituals.
Fahey, Tracy “That Thing I Did,” The Black Room Manuscripts Volume IV.
Fahey, Tracy “The Hungry Grass,” Ibid.
Fahey, Tracy “The Witch That Was Hurt,” Ibid.
ahey, Tracy “The World’s More Full of Weeping,” Ibid.
Fahey, Tracy “They Broke His Bones With Sticks and Stones,” Ibid.
Fawver, Kurt “The Final Correspondence of Sabrina Locker,” The Dissolution of …
Fawver, Kurt “The Gods in Their Seats, Unblinking,” Vastarien 1.
Faye, Lyndsay “The Song of Want,” Gaslight Gothic.
Feldman, Stephanie “The Barrens,” F&SF May/June.
Files, Gemma “Bulb,” New Fears 2.
Files, Gemma “Halloo,” Phantoms.
Files, Gemma “The Church in the Mountains,” Lost Films.
Flores, E. Gabriel “La Loca Bella,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine May/June.
Ford, Jeffrey “Big, Dark Hole,” Conjunctions 71: A Cabinet of Curiosity.
Ford, Jeffrey “Thanksgiving,” F&SF November/December.
Fox, Mike “The Violet Eye,” A Nightjar Chapbook.
Fracassi, Philip “Overnight,” Unnerving Press.
Fry, Gary “Man’s Best Friend,” In Dog We Trust.
Fry, Gary “Zappers,” The Death of Boys.
Gage, Joshua “Succubus Waltz,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 8.
Gage, Joshua “The Night Begins,” (poem), Dreams & Nightmares 109 May.
Gailey, Sarah “Bread and Milk and Salt,” Robots vs Unicorns.
Gavin, Richard “Fragile Masks,” The Mammoth Book of Halloween Stories.
German, Wade “The Nightmares,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 8.G
lover, J. T. “There Has Never Been Anyone Here,” Nightscript IV
Goh, Jaymee “When the Bough Breaks,” Mythic Delirium 4.3 Jan-March.
Golden, Christopher “The Curious Allure of the Sea,” The Devil and the Deep.
Gonzalez, Michael Paul “Your Mutual Friend,” Dark Moon Digest Issue #31.G
orman, Amelia “Elegy for a Midden Wife (poem) Star*Line Summer.
Gorman, Amelia “Parasitic Castration,” (poem) Vastarien 2.
Gosling, Sharon “The Nature of the Beast,” The Mammoth Book of Halloween Stories.
Grace, Dan “Waves,” Tales from the Shadow Booth vol. 2.
Grant, Helen “Silver,” Supernatural Tales 37.Grant, Helen “The Chain Walk,” Phantoms.
Grant, John “Too Late,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors.
Grant, John Linwood “For She Is Falling,” Vastarien 3.
Grant, John Linwood “Sanctuary,” Weirdbook #40.
Green, Lauren “Mona Sparrow,” Conjunctions 71 A Cabinet of Curiosity.
Grey, Orrin “Dark and Deep,” Guignol & Other Sardonic Tales.
Grey, Orrin “Shadders,” Guignol & Other Sardonic Tales.
Grey, Orrin “The Hurrah (aka Corpse Scene),” The Dark 37.
Grey, Orrin “When a Beast Looks Up at the Stars,” Guignol & Other Sardonic Tales.
Grudova, Camilla “Hoo Hoo,” Bourbon Penn 16.
Hall, Coy “Sire of the Hatchet,” The Fiend in the Furrows.
Hand, Elizabeth “Farrow Street,” Hark! The Herald Angels Scream.
Harlen, Leigh “I Hate All That Is Mine,” Lost Films.
Harman, Christopher “Sisters Rise,” A Ghosts & Scholars book of Folk Horror.
Hart, J. C. “Te Ika,” Cthulhu Land of the Long White Cloud.
Haskins, Maria “It’s Easy to Shoot a Dog,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies #260.
Haskins, Maria “The Root Cellar,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies #261.
Haslett, Adam “The Remedy,” Dark Corners Collection.
Hayward, Matt “Bangers and Mash,” Clickers Forever.
Thank you so much, a real compliment to be included with such wonderful people.