Call for Submissions
I edit The Best Horror of the Year for (Night Shade Books) and am currently reading for the thirteenth volume, covering material published in 2020.
I am looking for stories and poetry from all branches of horror: supernatural, uncanny, sf horror, psychological, dark crime, terror tales, or anything else that might qualify. This is an all reprint anthology, so I’ll only consider material published in 2020. Deadline is December 1st 2020. Authors please confirm that your publishers are sending me review copies. If a book or magazine is coming out after my deadline, I’ll look at galleys or manuscripts. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. The only excuse is if you’re a foreign publisher and shipping everything at one time saves postage. If you want your work to get a fair read, do not do this. I do not have time to carefully read a year’s worth of magazine issues and 10-20 original anthologies in two weeks.
I’ll look at e-versions of anthos and collections only if they’re navigable and have running heads. Otherwise, they won’t be read. I always prefer print, if available.
Authors can query as to whether I have/need your collection or an anthology/magazine in which you have a story at
My summation of “the year in horror” in the front of every volume includes novels, anthologies, collections, chapbooks, nf, poetry, art books, and “odds and ends”– material that doesn’t fit elsewhere but that might interest horror readers. But I must be aware of this material in order to mention it.
Ellen Datlow
Best Horror of the Year Volume Thirteen
PMB 391
511 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10011-8436
****I regularly cover many magazines/webzines that publish horror (Black Static, Cemetery Dance, F&SF, The Dark, Nightmare, crime digests, and webzines such as Horrorzine, Uncanny, Apex, etc.-when their publishers send me the material).
Please ask your publisher to send the entire magazine or book-unless the venue doesn’t regularly publish horror. In that case, you can send me a word file of your story. For online publications, email individual word doc files—not pdf files– including on the ms where the story has been published.
If I choose a story you will be informed. Otherwise, you will not hear back.
thank you
Ellen Datlow
vol 12 was excellent. i am now scared of the internet after reading “Below” by Simon Bestwick.
You are one of my very all time favorite authors (plus your many others monikers-it started with the
Ruby S]ippers, Golden Tears, followed by my frantic searching of everything with your name on it and Terry Dat[jDatlow,then jANE THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR YEARS DOING WHAT i LOVE MoST-Y0U WRITE AND COLLECT AND i READ THE BEST U FINED and wr Thqnk you so9 much. Lisa Gramling 22 Hillcrest St/ Lyman, S.C. 29365
Thanks both of you.