Tallerman, David “A Cold Yesterday in Late July,” The Dark #72, March.
Tang, Michelle “The Sound of a Bamboo Forest,” Terrifying Ghost Stories.
Tantlinger, Sara “Anthropophagus,” (poem) Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Tantlinger, Sara “Deliria Dreams of the Universe,” (poem) Southwest Review, Autumn.
Taqvi, Fatima “Secrets of the Kath,” Strange Horizons, January 18.
Tay, Lisabelle “Surat Daru Hantu,” Strange Horizons, October.
Taylor, Ingrid L. “The Collar,” (poem) Southwest Review, Autumn.
Taylor, Jordan “What Remains to Make,” The Deadlands 5, September.
Taylor, Sonora “From Scratch,” The One That Got Away.
Taylor, Sonora “Someone To Share My Nightmares,” Someone To Share My Nightmares.
Tbakhi, Fargo “Balfour in the Desert,” Strange Horizons, May 17.
Tedesco, Kailey “Ritual For Reuniting With My …(poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “Gavin’s Field,” The Mammoth Book of Folk Horror.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “Inappetence,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors 3.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “The Last Sound You Hear,” The Dark #79 December.
Tem, Steve Rasnic ”Sleepover,” Thanatrauma.
Ten, Kristina “Bones in It,” Lightspeed issue 132, May.
Ten, Kristina “The Dreadful and Specific Monster of Starosibirsk,” Weird Horror #2, spring.
Teryna, K.A. trans by Alex Shvartsman “Lajos and His Bees,” F&SF November/December.
Teutsch, Ken “The Hero,” From the Yonder Volume II.
Theodoridou, Natalia “Mad Milk,” (novella) F&SF November/December.
Theodoridou, Natalia “The Shadowed Undertows,” The Deadlands 4, August.
Thomas, Jonathan “Nos Morituri,”Avenging Angela.
Thomas, Richard “Saudade,” Prisms.
Thompson, Sam “Silent Valley,” The Black Dreams: Strange Stories From Northern Ireland.
Tighe, Matt “A Good Big Brother,” Spawn.
Toase, Steve “A Seep of Cats,” Not One of Us Issue #66.
Toase, Steve “Atelier,” To Drown in Dark Water.
Toase, Steve “Clipped Wings,” Nightscript VII.
Toase, Steve “Death Wears a Crown of Baling Twine,” Not One of Us Issue #65.
Toase, Steve “Tuppence a Bag,” They’re Out to Get You.
Toase, Steve “Under the Banner of the Black Stamen,” To Drown in Dark Water.
Tobler, E. Catherine “Rivergrace,” Prisms.
Tolian, Brenda “Ba’alat Ov,” The Jewish Book of Horror.
Tremblay, Paul “Mostly Size,” Shoot.
Tremblay, Paul “The Party,” When Things Get Dark.
Triantafyllou, Eugenia “How the Girls Came Home, “ Uncanny #40, May/June.
Tsamaase, Tlotlo “District to Cervix,” Prisms.
Tyrell, Carole “Cocoon,” Supernatural Tales 47 summer.
Valente, Catherynne M. “L’Espirit de L’Escalier,” Tor.com August 25.
Valentine, Genevieve “Sooner or Later, Your Wife Will Drive Home,” When Things Get Dark.
Vallone, Deanie “Lycanthropy,” (poem) Star*Line spring 44.2
Vallone, Deanie “There Will Come Soft Rains,” (poem) Star*Line spring 44.2
Van Patten, Steven “Suanee,” Under Twin Suns.
Vaughn, Thomas “Mankiller,” Dark Waters.
Veit, Rhonda Pressley “The Humdinger,” Black Static #80/81.
Veit, Rhonda Pressley “Upland Wildlife,” Black Static #78/79.
Verona, Emily Ruth “A Purim Story, The Jewish Book of Horror.
Volk, Stephen “The Waiting Room,” Ars Gratia Sanguis.
Waggoner, Tim “God Spelled Backward,” Shadow Atlas.
Waggoner, Tim “Negative Space,” Nightmare #104 May.
Waggoner, Tim “The Exchange,” Under Twin Suns.
Wallace, Kali “The Barefoot Sisters of Saint Beatriz of the Mountain,” Sisterhood…
Wandless, William H. “Promises to Keep,” Not One of Us #67.
Ward, Kyla “A Whisper in the Death Pit,” Weirdbook #44.
Warren, Kaaron “Rust Red in Moonlight,” New Maps of Dream.
Warren, Kaaron “The King in Yella,” Under Twin Suns.
Warren, Kaaron “The Red Shrine (Fingerless and Double-Mouthed),” Spawn.
Warren, Kaaron “Tool 1,” Tool Tales.
Warren, Kaaron “Tool 10,” Ibid.
Warren, Kaaron “Tool 3,” Ibid.
Warren, Kaaron “Tool 6,” Ibid.
Warren, Kaaron “Tool 9,” Ibid.
Warren, Kaaron “Warp and Weft,” Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology…
Warren, Kaaron “Winter Sweet Winter Grieve,” Grimdark Magazine #25.
Webb, M.F. “Epiphany, (poem) Spectral Realms 15 summer.
Weiss, Buck “The Dressmaker,” Violent Vixens.
West, Jacqueline “Box of Claws,” Tales from the Moonlit Path, February.
West, Jacqueline “Sugar,” (poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Wheaton, Mark “Killer of Hogs,” Violent Vixens.
White, Gordon B. “From October Vines,” Weird Horror #3.
White, Gordon B. “Gordon B. White Is creating Haunted Weird Horror,” Nightmare #106, July.
Whiteley, Aliya “Soapstone,” Beyond the Veil.
Whitely, Aliya “A Taste for Paste,” They’re Out to Get You.
Whitley, Aliya “Envelope,” The Loosening Skin.
Wild, Lilah “V,” G is for Ghost.
Wilde, Fran “Unseelie Brothers, Ltd.” Uncanny Issue 40, May/June.
Wilkes, Ally “Where Things Fall From the Sky,” Nightmare #107, August.
Wilkinson, Charles “Quiet Heaven,” Bourbon Penn 24.
Wilkinson, Charles “Where the Oxen Turned the Plough,” Nightscript VII.
Williamson, Neil “Thirty-two Tumbling Teeth,” Black Static #78/79.
Wiltgren, Filip “Yaakov, Meyn Bruder,” Kaleidotrope summer.
Winter, Carson “In Haskins,” Apex 27.
Winter, Carson “The Mushroom Men,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Wise, A. C. “The Nag Bride,” The Ghost Sequences.
Wise, A.C. “This Height and Fiery Speed,” Prisms.
Wiswell, John “That Story Isn’t the Story,” Uncanny #43 November/December.
Wolfe, Jezzy “Ang Siya Na Masama,” (poem) Monstrum Poetica.
Wolfe, Jezzy “By Blood,” (poem) Ibid.
Wolfe, Jezzy “Chased,” (poem) Ibid.
Wolfe, Jezzy “Jinni,” (poem) Ibid.
Wolfe, Jezzy “Niyan Theory,” (poem) Ibid.
Wolverton, Nicole “Imaginary Friends,” The Half That You See.
Wolverton, Nicole M. “Footnotes to the Travel Guide,” Dreamland.
Woods, Sam “H.P. Lovecraft Writes Olive Garden’s Dinner Menu,” McSweeney’s August 21.
Wyckoff, Jason A. “Su Porco,” Dim Shores Presents Volume 2 spring.
Wytovich, Stephanie “The Crow’s Nest,” (poem) Were Tales.
Wytovich, Stephanie M. “Blood, Like Chocolate,” (poem) Shadow Atlas.
Wytovich, Stephanie M. “Mother Knows Best,” Attack From the 80s.
Wytovich, Stephanie M. “Night Mare,” (poem) Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Wytovich, Stephanie M. “The Returned,” (poetry) Nightmare #106, July.
Yang, Hannah “Eating Bitterness,” The Dark #74, July.
Yates, Pauline “The Best Medicine,” Midnight Echo #16.
Yeager, B. R. “Puppy Milk,” Hymns of Abomination.
Younker, Nick “Ella Minnow,” What One Wouldn’t Do.
Zaldívar, Bessie F. “United We Can,” F(riction) 18, spring.
Zivanovich, Kaitlyn “The Child Feast of Harridan Sack,” Pseudopod 765.
Zuniga, Jordan “The Dominion of the Wicked,” (poem) Spectral Realms 14 winter.
I am surprised in the best way to find my story included here! Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I was so amazed to find my story included here! Thank you.