Machado, Carmen Maria “A Hundred Miles and a Mile,” When Things Get Dark.
MacLeod, Bracken “Weightless Before She Falls,” Fright Train.
MacVaugh, Morgan “Creature,” The Fabulist Magazine, October.
Madrigano, Clara “Into the River,” Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology…
Madrigano, Clara “Little Doors,” The Dark #70, March.
Madrigano, Clara “There, in the Woods,” The Dark #68, January.
Major, Tim “The Cardboard Voice,” Nightscript VII.
Malerman, Josh “Door To Door,” Shadow Atlas.
Malerman, Josh “Special Meal” When Things Get Dark.
Malone, Avery Kit “The Solifuge’s Grin,” Dim Shores Presents Volume 2 spring.
Mamatas, Nick “Ba boo Dop doo Dop boo ree,” Voices in the Darkness.
Mandel, S. R. “A Martyrology for Museums,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Margariti, Avra “Lust in the Time of the Bubonic Plague,” (poem) Star*Line spring 44.2
Margariti, Avra “Sarcosoma,” (poem) Star*Line spring 44.2
Marshall, Helen “The Happy Medium,” There Is No Death, There Are No Dead.
Maruyama, Kate “Two Alices,” December Tales.
Marzioli, Samuel “She Who Would Rip the Sky Asunder,” Hollow Skulls.
Massie, Elizabeth “Baggie,” Voices in the Darkness.
Masterton, Graham “The Song of the Wandering Zombie,” (poem) HWA Poetry Showcase…
Masucci, Matt “Daughters of the Sun,” The Half That You See.
McAllister, Bruce “Last Angel,” (poem) Star*Line fall 44.4.
McAllister, Bruce “This Little Piggy,” Theme of Absence, April.
McCarthy, J.A.W. “Another Night on Earth,” Underland Arcana 3.
McCarthy, J.A.W. “Girls Tied To Trees,” Sometimes We’re Cruel.
McCarthy, J.A.W. “With Animals,” What One Wouldn’t Do.
McCarthy, J.A.W. “With You As My Anchor,” Sometimes We’re Cruel.
McCormick, Jason “In Silence,” F(riction) 18, spring.
McDonald, Ian “Bird. Spirit. Land.” The Black Dreams: Strange Stories From Northern Ireland.
McGoran, Jon “Dog Sitting,” Underland Arcana 2.
McGowan, Rowena “Prices,” Dark Waters.
McGuire, Seanan, “In the Deep Woods; The Light is Different There,” When Things Get Dark.
McHugh, Maura “Gravedirt Mouth,” The Mammoth Book of Folk Horror.
Meikle, William “Herders,” Terror Tales of The Scottish Lowlands.
Meloy, Paul “The Gearbox,” Prisms.
Miller, Sam J. “Darkness Metastatic,” Nightmare #100, January.
Miller, Sam J. “Tyrannosaurus Hex,” Uncanny 38.
Mills, Daniel “Dream Children,” Among the Lilies.
Miskowski, S.P. “I Could Tell You So Much,” Hymns of Abomination.
Moore, Marshall J. “Monsters” Chilling Crimes.
Moore, Ralph Robert “What the Snow Brings,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors 3.
Moore, Tegan “The Tyger,”, February 24.
Moreno, Gus “The Sixth Sun,” Southwest Review, Autumn.
Morgan, Christine “Stump-Water,” Hymns of Abomination.
Morton, Lisa “A Plague on the House,” December Tales.
Morton, Lisa “Hollywood Dirt,” Shoot.
Morton, Lisa “The Serpent’s Tale,” (poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Moss, Samuel M. “The Sculptor,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Muenzler, Michelle “ConsumingtheUnknown fruit”(poem)VastarienVol.4Issue1Spring 240.
Muller, C. “In the Dust,” Dim Shores Presents Volume 2 spring.
Munroe, Donna J.W. “It Rises From Between My Bones,” Pseudopod 752.
Muro, John “Aegean Pools,” (poem) Eye To the Telescope, issue 42.
Murray, Lee “At the Bar,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Murray, Lee “Cheongsam,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Murray, Lee “Exquisite,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Murray, Lee “Exquisite,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Murray, Lee “Permanent Damage,” Attack From the 80s.
Murray, Lee “The Bone Eater,” There Is No Death, There Are No Dead.
Murray, Lee “The Moon Goddess’s Granddaughter,” Giving the Devil His Due.
Murray, Lee “Weeping Waters,” Fright Train.
Murray, Lee “Willows,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Murray, Ronald J. “I Know Your Sickness Now, (poem) Lost Letters to a Lover’s Carcass.
Murray, Ronald J. “Listen, (poem) Ibid.
Murray, Ronald J. “Phantam Fingers, (poem) Ibid.
Murray, Ronald J. “Vulture Goddess, (poem) Ibid.
Napper, T.R. “A Vast Silence,” F&SF November/December.
Narr, B. “Cadaver Dogs,” Nightmare #107, August.
Nations, Victoria “Julia,” Blood and Bone.
Ness, Mari “Rockshell,” Dim Shores Presents Volume 2 spring.
Neugebauer, Annie “If Those Ragged Feet Won’t Run,” Apex 122.
Neugebauer, Annie “You Ought Not Smile As You Walk These Woods,” Shadow Atlas.
Ng, Lena “My Extra Eyes,” Dread Imaginings, April.
Nicholls, Mark “Settlement” Supernatural Tales 47.
Nogle, Christi “A Cold Grip,” Boneyard Soup, January.
Nogle, Christi “Laurel’s First Hunt,” Humans Are the Problem.
Nogle, Christi “She Ain’t Stopping,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Nogle, Christie “The Old Switcheroo,” What One Wouldn’t Do.
O’Brien, Brandon “…Of Our Garden and Beach,” (poem) Can You Sign My Tentacle?
O’Brien, Brandon “…Where There are No Dirges (poem) Can You Sign My Tentacle?
O’Brien, Brandon “Hunting Dog,” (poem) Can You Sign My Tentacle?
O’Brien, Brandon “The Repossession of Skin,” (poem) Can You Sign My Tentacle?
O’Brien, James Edward “A Meriwether Jacket,” On Spec #118.
O’Brien, Liam “Bagley’s Correction,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
O’Driscoll, Mike “Pervert Blood,” Black Static #80/81.
O’Hanlon, Emer “Red Knots Tightening,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Miss Golden Dreams 1949” Collectibles.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Río Piedra,” Conjunctions 76.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Take Me, I Am Free,” When Things Get Dark.
Ochse, Weston “Blood Memories,” Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology….
Ochse, Weston “Top Guns of the Frontier,” Attack From the Eighties.
Oden, Steve “The Sisters Purifoy,” From the Yonder Volume II.
Ogamba, Frances “Water Child,” The Dark #72, May.
Ogden, Aimee “Hundreds of Little Absences,” The Dark #77, October.
Ogden, Aimee “One last Broken Thing,” The Dark #69, February.
Ògúnyẹmí, Ernest O. “Yahoo Plus,” The Dark #75 August.
Olausson, Elin “Chalk,” The Half That You See.
Olausson, Elin ”Roadkill,” Nightscript VII.
Oliver, Reggie “Drumglass Chapel,” Terror Tales of The Scottish Lowlands.
Oliver, Reggie “Grey Glass,” December Tales.
Oliver, Reggie “Via Mortis,” A Maze for the Minotaur.
Opperman, K. A. “Child of Ice,” (poem) The Laughter of Ghouls.
Opperman, K. A. “The Laughter of Ghouls,” (poem) The Laughter of Ghouls.
Opperman, K. A. “The Voice of the Waves,” (poem) The Laughter of Ghouls.
Oreto, Frank “The Perceptual Inconsistency of Enid Wozniak,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Osborne, Emma “Slaughterhouse Boys,” Hometown Haunts.
Padgett, Jon “Father Ezekiel Shineface Sermon,” Hymns of Abomination.
Padgett, Jon and Bartlett, Matthew M. “The Infinite Error,” Pseudopod 748 March.
Palumbo, Suzan “Laughter Among the Trees,” The Dark #69, February.
Panegyres, Anthony “Anthropophages Anonymous (AA),” Bourbon Penn 25.
Pang, Y.M. “Lace, Comb, Apple,” The Dark #75 August.
Parypinski, Joanna “It Accumulates,” Nightmare #102, March.
Paterson, W. T. “Whatever Lives in Them Mountains,” Underland Arcana 2.
Peek, Ben “At the Periphery,” Nightmare #106, July.
Penncavage, Michael “The Walker,” Chilling Crimes.
Percy, Benjamin “Hag,” When Things Get Dark.
Peréz, Lexi “Jamón Íberico,” Underland Arcana 2.
Permenter, Justin “Hounds of the Lord” (poem) Spectral Realms 15 summer.
Petricone, E. A. “We, the Girls Who Did Not Make It,” Nightmare #101 February.
Phelps, Shawn “Quiet,” Penumbra No. 2.
Picano, Felice “Flawed,” Unburied: A Collection of Queer Dark Fiction.
Pichette, Marisca “The Wet Red,” Pseudopod 744 February.
Piper, Hailey “Among the Creatures of the Night,” Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy.
Piper, Hailey “Every Lady Echoes in the Mycorrhizal Hymn,” Boneyard Soup, January.
Piper, Hailey “Recitation of the First Feeding,” Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy.
Piper, Hailey “Wife-Beast of Eden,” The Bad Book.
Pueyo, H. “We’re Always the Ones Who Leave,” The Dark #78 November.
Pugh, Catherine “Across the Vale,” Railroad Tales.
Pulver, Sr. Joseph S. “…Less…Light,” Under Twin Suns.
Qitsualik-Tinsley, Sean and Rachel “Oil,” Songs of the Northern Seas.
Quinn, Katy Michelle “The Queen of the Select,” Beautiful Grotesque.
Raab, Jonathan “A Pamphlet Found Among Broken Glass…” Underland Arcana 1.
Rainey, Stephen Mark “Country of the Snake,” Fright Train.
Rasmussen, Rhiannon “Twinning,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Ratner, Bill “Bogeyman,” (poem) Eye To the Telescope, issue 41.
Rawlik, Pete “Station Maintenance,” Hymns of Abomination.
Razvi, Saba Syed “On the Altar of a Beseeching…”(poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Read, Sarah “Blood Bon Secours,” Violent Vixens.
Read, Sarah “Root Rot,” Humans Are the Problem.
Read, Sarah “Seeing Stones,” The Bad Book.
Read, Sarah “The Time That Is Left,” Shadow Atlas.
Reed, Tom “To See An Angel,” What One Wouldn’t Do.
Reese, Jenn “A Little Knife Music,” F&SF January/February.
Reiter, Geoffrey “A Green Shade,” Penumbra No. 2.
Rennie, S. A. “The Fourth Presence,” Terror Tales of The Scottish Lowlands.
Renwick, Zandra “On Wrath,” Black Static. #78/79.
Rex, Joshua “The Passing,” Nightscript VII.
Rickert, M. “Funeral Birds,” When Things Get Dark.
Rosenberg, Simon “The Rabbi’s Wife,” The Jewish Book of Horror.
Ross, Varian “It Won’t Be So Bad,” Blood and Bone.
Rosson, Keith “Diminishments,” Southwest Review, Autumn.
Rountree, Josh “A Red Promise in the Palm of Your Hand,” Weird Horror #3.
Rountree, Josh “Love Kills,” The Arcanist, November.
Rountree, Josh “The Beautiful People,” Underland Arcana 3.
Rowlan, Garrett “The Dentist,” Horrorzine October.
Rucker, Lynda E. “Der Geisterbahnhof,” Beyond the Veil.
Rucker, Lynda E. “Encore For An Empty Sky,” Prisms.
Ruppert, Erica “The Grave of Angels,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Rupsa, Dey “I was a girl once but I slipped” The Dark #73, June.
Russell, R. B. “The House on Windmill Lane,” Chapbook.
Ruvinsky, Rebecca “Vieux Carré,” Underland Arcana 1.
Ryan, Lindy “Buried,” (poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Sackett, Sydney “Paterfamilias,” (poem) Not One of Us #68.
Sager, Christian “Rescue and Alter,” Corridor 1.
Salomon, Peter Adam “Fade Away,” (poem) Southwest Review, Autumn.
Samuels, Mark “The Interminable Abomination,” Penumbra No. 2.
Sandison, George” Anthems of Light and Leaving,” Hinterlands.
Sanford, Jason “As We Stand and Pray,” Giving the Devil His Due.
Santiago, Gabriela “The 21 Bus Line,” The Dark #73, June.
Satyamurthy, Jayaprakash “Murder Tongue,” Nightmare #110, November.
Scheiner, Kathleen “Wasp Honey, Under Twin Suns.
Schembri, David “Shadow and Fire,” (poem) Spectral Realms 14 winter.
Schow, David J. “Caving,” Weird Doom: A David J. Schow Sampler.
Schweitzer, Darrell “All Kings and Princes Bow Down Unto Me,” Penumbra No. 2.
Sharma, Priya “Mari Lwyd,” Dreamland.
Shaw, M. “Man vs Bomb,” Fantasy Magazine, Issue #67, May.
Shirley, John “The Camera on the Roller Coaster,” The Feverish Stars.
Simpson, Alf “All the Long Way Down,” Cthulhu Deep Down Under Volume 3.
Sinclair, Colin “Hit Song,” Not One of Us #67.
Sloman, Phil “What It Takes,” In Darkness Delight Volume Three.
Smith, Angela Yuriko “Grandmother Shuffled,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Smith, Angela Yuriko “Inside Chibichiri Gama,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Smith, Angela Yuriko “Kijimuna,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Smith, Angela Yuriko “The Nukekubi,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Smith, Clint “Feast Your Eyes on the Yawning Monotony of Humdrum Rot,” Nightscript VII.
Smith, Clint “Pregnant Women and People WithHeartConditions,”Supernatural Tales47summer.
Smith, Farah Rose “Dead in September,” Hymns of Abomination.
Smith, John Claude “Everything Will Be Okay,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Smith, Michael Marshall “The Motel Business,” Prisms.
Sng, Christina “An Interlude With the Boarding House Owner,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Sng, Christina “Headhunters,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Sng, Christina “Heart of Darkness,” (poem) Star*Line fall 44.4.
Sng, Christina “La Ciguapa,” (poem) Shadow Atlas.
Sng, Christina “Phoenix,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
Sng, Christina “Safe,” Spectral Realms 14 winter.
Sng, Christina “The Dream Fields of Hell,” (poem) Star*Line fall 44.4.
Sng, Christina “The Offering,” (poem) Tortured Willows.
St. George, Carlie “Forward, Victoria,” The Dark, Issue 71 April.
Starnes, T.M. “Prisoner,” The Half That You See.
Stokes, Ashley “Subtemple,” Black Static. #78/79.
Stokes, Ashley “The Validations,” Nightscript VII.
Stone, Hayley “A Record of Starvation At the Endof theVampyric Era,”(poem) Star*Line winter
Strand, Jeff “Twentieth Anniversary Screening” Slice & Dice.
Strantzas, Simon “That House,” Bourbon Penn 25.
Strantzas, Simon “Vertices,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Sullivan, Deirdre “Little Lives,” Uncertainties Volume V.
Surface, David “Little Gods To Live in Them,” Nightscript VII.
Sutton, Chelsea “The Belly and the Trees,” Bourbon Penn 24.
Sutton, David A. “St. Ambrews Well,” The Mammoth Book of Folk Horror.
THANK YOU for including my story.
Thank you, Ellen! What an honour to be on this list. Thank you for enjoying my poem.