Acevedo, Mario “Xipe Totec,” Shadow Atlas.
Addison, Linda D. “Veiled Intentions,” (poem) Under Twin Suns.
Aguirre, Forrest “Obverse Reverse,” Underland Arcana 4
Albrecht, Andrin “Gloria,” Not One of Us #68.
Alexander, Phoenix “Nails,” The Dark #76, September.
Anderson, Colleen “Cinnabar,” Shadow Atlas.
Antonia, Nina “Away,” Uncertainties Volume V.
Arcuri, Meghan “Green With Hunger,” Classic Monsters
Arnzen, Michael “The Umami of Blood,” (poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Arrington, Chelsea “Sisters,” (poem) Spectral Realms 14 winter.
Aw, Davian “flight to nowhere,” (poem) Star*Line spring 44.2
Bacon, Stephen “The Undulating,” Black Static #78/79.
Baggott, Juliana “Inkmorphia,” Nightmare #110, November.
Baker, Jo “Original Features,” The Black Dreams: Strange Stories From Northern Ireland.
Ballingrud, Nathan “A Brief Tour of the Night,” Beyond the Veil.
Barb, Patrick “Casual,” Not One of Us #67.
Barb, Patrick “Woof,” Humans Are the Problem.
Barker, David “An Ill Wind,” (poem) Spectral Realms 14 winter.
Barron, Jon “Barefoot Banjo Girl,” Supernatural Tales 46 spring.
Barron, Laird “American Remakeof a JapaneseGhostStory,”There Is NoDeath,ThereAreNoDead.
Batchelor, Nathan “Reggie,” Underland Arcana 2.
Baxter, Alan “48 To Go,” The Gulp.
Baxter, Alan “Come His Children,” Cthulhu Deep Down Under Volume 3.
Baxter, Alan “Out On a Rim,” The Gulp.
Bechko, Corinna “A Darkness a Little Too Bright,” Corridor 1.
Bell, Peter “A Wee Dram For the Road,” Sacred and Profane.
Bell, Peter “Haunted,” Ibid.
Bell, Peter “The Ice House,” Ibid.
Bell, Peter “The Shadow of the Cross,” Ibid.
Bell, Peter “The Strange Death of Sophie Van Der Wielen,” Ibid.
Bergmann, F. J. “The Meadows of Night,” (poem) Spectral Realms 15 summer.
Berguño, George “The Dogs of Valparaiso,” The Sad Eyes of the Lewis Chessman.
Bernthold, Sydney “Dogfood,” (poem) Star*Line summer 44.3
Bestwick, Simon “ Ermenonville,” Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “ Go Get It, Girl,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “ Goliath’s Song,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “And You Heard the Rattling Death Train,” Railroad Tales.
Bestwick, Simon “Below Decks on the Morro Castle,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “Beneath the Crust,” Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “Jarman’s Ghost,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “Oubliette,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “The Book of Nightmares,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “The Cage,” (poem) Nine Ghosts.
Bestwick, Simon “The Call,” (poem) Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “We Pray,” Patreon.
Bestwick, Simon “Whaleback,” (poem) Patreon.
Bingcang, Marla, “Mushroom Head,” Apparition Literary Magazine Issue 15, July.
Birnie, Seán Padraic “Hand-Me-Down,” I Would Haunt You If I Could.
Birnie, Seán Padraic “I Would Haunt You If I Could,” I Would Haunt You If I Could.
Birnie, Seán Padraic “Like a Zip,” I Would Haunt You If I Could.
Birnie, Seán Padraic “New To It All,” I Would Haunt You If I Could.
Birnie, Seán Padraic “You Know What To Do,” I Would Haunt You If I Could.
Bissett, Carina “Twice in the Telling,” Upon a Twice Time.
Blackburn, Roland “God the Silvered Halls,” Beautiful Grotesque.
Blair, Kelly “Clandestine,” (poem) Star*Line summer 44.3
Bolivar, Adam “Jack BloodyBones,” (poem) Spectral Realms 14 winter.
Bond, Charlotte “Red Antlers,” They’re Out to Get You.
Bond, Charlotte “the Finest Pineapples in Derbyshire,” Shoot.
Booth III, Max “Noise,” In Darkness Delight Volume Three.
Boskovich, Desirina “I Let You Out,” Nightmare #100, January.
Bowles, David “El Sombrerón,” Both Sides.
Braum, Daniel “The Hand of Fire,” The Jewish Book of Horror.
Braunbeck, Gary A. “Light on Broken Glass,” There Comes a Midnight Hour.
Brockway, Barbara “Eye of Newt,” Dread Imaginings, February.
Brown, Gordon “It Looked Like Her,” Nightscript VII.
Brown, Jena “They Don’t Eat Teeth,” What One Wouldn’t Do.
Bulkin, Nadia “A Luta Continua,” Prisms.
Bulkin, Nadia “One Day Across the Valley,” Corridor 1.
Bulkin, Nadia “Someday You Will Regret Not Replying,” Southwest Review, Autumn.
Caballero, Cecilia, “The Revenge of Henrietta Lacks,” (poem) Star*Line summer 44.3
Cade, Octavia “Tidemarks,” Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology…
Cade, Octavia “Worm Blood,” The Dark #71, April.
Campbell, Ramsey “First a Bird,” Uncertainties Volume V.
Campbell, Ramsey “Still Hungry,” Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology…
Campbell, Tara “In the City of Feasting Banshees,” (poem) Star*Line fall 44.4.
Cancilla, Dominick “Locusts,” In Darkness Delight Volume Three.
Canfield, Michael “The Main Street Robbery,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Carroll-Bradd, Shenoa “Attend, Attend,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 1 Spring.
Casey, KD “The Last Plague,” The Jewish Book of Horror.
Cashmore, Stephen “From Ghosts,” Supernatural Tales 48 fall.
Castle, Mort “Perspective: Journal of a 1980s Mad Man,” Attack From the 80s.
Castro Adam-Troy “Glimpses in Amber, Nightmare #110, November.
Castro, Adam-Troy “Rotten Little Town: An Oral History,” Nightmare #100, January.
Castro, V. Goddess of Filth. Chapbook.
Chabin, Matthew “Mother Winter,” The Lost Librarian’s Grave.
Chamberlain-King, Reggie “The Missing Girl…”The Black Dreams: Strange Stories From….
Chapman, Clay McCleod “Stowaway,” Southwest Review, Autumn.
Chatterjee, Saswati “In the War, the Wall,” Weird Horror #3.
Cheney, Matthew “Hunger,” The Dark #79 December.
Chiaragáin, Saoirse Ni “Geisterbahnof,” Railroad Tales.
Chislett, Michael “The Entity Extractor,” Supernatural Tales 46 spring.
Chronister, Kay “Moon-Eyed Women,” Shadow Atlas.
Chronister, Kay “The Yoke of the Aspens,” The Dark, #69, February.
Cisco, Michael “Milking,” Antisocieties.
Clark, Stephen J. “The Tupilaq,” Songs of the Northern Seas.
Clarke, Aislinn “Skeleton Day,” Uncertainties Volume V.
Cleaveland, Kristin “Saturniidae,” Southwest Review, Autumn.
Cleveland, Kristin “Thicker Than Water,” Blood and Bone.
Cluley, Ray “The Hufaidh Sounder,” They’re Out to Get You.
Coffman, Frank “A Thin Place,” (poem) Eclipse of the Moon.
Coffman, Frank “The Decipherment,” (poem) Eclipse of the Moon.
Cohen, Michael Harris “I Pay You,” On Spec #118.
Coles, Donyae “Sometimes Boys Don’t Know,” Nightmare #106, July.
Coles, Donyae “Thalia Was Alone,” Weird Horror #3.
Coles, Donyae “There Is No Difference Between…”(poem) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume VIII.
Conyers, David “Supersymmetry Blues,” Cthulhu Deep Down Under Volume 3.
Cook, Georgia “Nothing Personal,” Humans Are the Problem.
Cook, Georgia “Sometimes It’s Just Like Hiding,” Vastarien Vol. 4 Issue 2 Fall.
Cooney, C.S. E. “Salissay’s Laundries,” Dark Breakers.
Cosby. M.R. “Brokehaven Lighthouse,” The Trains Don’t Stop Here.
Cosby. M.R. “Dark Matter,” The Trains Don’t Stop Here.
Cosby. M.R. “The Trains Don’t Stop Here,” The Trains Don’t Stop Here.
Costello, Rob “Whatever Happened to the Boy Who Fell Into the Lake,” F&SF July/Aug.
Couturier, Scott J. “To Kiss Death’s Shroud,” (poem) Spectral Realms 15 summer.
Couzens, Gary “Short Platform,” Railroad Tales.
Craven, M. W. “The Moss-Trooper,” Terror Tales of The Scottish Lowlands.
Croal, Lyndsey “First Blood,” Best Women’s Short Fiction 2021.
Crosbie, Mary “Sickness and Health,” Not One of Us #68.
Crow, Jennifer “Bound Wings,” (poem) Not One of Us Issue #65.
Crow, Jennifer “The Mermaid Conundrum, ,” (poem) Not One of Us Issue #66.
Curran, Tim “Heatseeker,” Weirdbook #44.
Curran, Tim “Neuroworm,” In Darkness Delight Volume Three.
Thank you, Ellen, what an honour!
Thank you, Ellen. It’s a real honor to make your list!
I’m really pleased and honoured to have two of mine on this list of superb writers. Thank you, Ellen!