Patrick, Den “Blood in the Water,” Sharkpunk.
Petrie, Simon “Like a Boojum,” Aurealis #77.
Polson, Aaron “Nine,” Death’s Realm.
Pugmire, W. H. & Barker, David “In the Gulfs of Dream,” In the Gulfs of Dream…
Pugmire, W.H. “Old Time Entombed,” That Is Not Dead.
Pugmire, W.H. “Sonnets of an Eldritch Bent,” Weirdbook 31.
Pulver Sr., Joseph S. “Desert Highway Motel,” A House of Hollow Wounds.
Pulver, Sr. Joseph S. “Caroline No. Bleue,”A House of Hollow Wounds.
Pulver, Sr., Joseph S. “Saturday Night..with a Dead Girl in It,”A HouseofHollowWounds.
Rabarts, Dan “Oil and Bone,” Insert Title Here.
Rabinowitz, Rosanne “Meat, Motion and Light,” The Outsiders.
Rabinowitz, Rosanne “The Lady in the Yard,” Soliloquy for Pan.
Rainey, Stephen Mark “The Dansforth Project,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Read, Jane “Service Charge,” Supernatural Tales 29, spring.
Read, Sarah “Magnifying Glass,” Black Static #46.
Red, Eric “The Buzzard,” Edge of Sundown.
Reeves-Stevens, Judith and Garfield, “Things in Jars,” Expiration Date.
Rempel, Rebekah “The Magpie’s Secret Lives, (poem) One Throne Magazine February.
Reynolds, Alistair “A Murmuration,” Interzone 257, March/April.
Reynolds, Josh “Seeking Whom He May Devour,” The Lovecraft ezine #35.
Rhodes, Danny “The Cleansing,” Black Static #45.
Robbe, Gary “Private Franks,” Shrieks and Shivers from the Horror Zine.
Robson, Kelly “The Three Resurrections of Jessica Churchill,” Clarkesworld February.
Roden, Barbara “Strone House,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Rodriguez, Marija Elektra “The Crying Room,” Midnight Echo 11.
Rogers, Ian “The Lighthouse of Midian,” Midian Unmade.
Rogers, Ian “The Veils,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Ross, Leone “The Woman Who Lived in a Restaurant,” Nightjar chapbook.
Roth, Eli “Valdivia,” The Blumhouse Book of Nightmares.
Royle, Nicholas “The Larder,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Rucker, Lynda E. “The Dying Season,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Rucker, Lynda E. “An Element of Blank,” Supernatural Tales, 30, Autumn.
Rucker, Lynda E. “The Secret Woods,” Soliloquy for Pan.
Rucker, Lynda E. “The Seventh Wave,” Terror Tales of the Ocean.
Runge, Karen “Going Home,” Savage Beasts.
Runolfson, J. C. “Pripyat,” (poem) Not One of Us #53.
Russo, Patricia “Locket,” Not One of Us #53.
Rutter, John D. “Last Christmas,” Nightjar Press chapbook.
Salter, Richard “Sharkbait,” Sharkpunk
Samatar, Sofia “Those,” Uncanny Issue #3.
Sammons, Brian M. “A Biting Cold,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Sandoval, Kelly “All the Lovely Brides,” Grimdark #3.
Savile, Steven “Swimming with the Fishes,” Sharkpunk.
Schliewe, Jeremy “Distance,” Supernatural Tales 29, spring.
Schubert, Edmund R. “Feels Like Justice to Me,” The Big Bad II.
Schwader, Ann K. “At the Last of Carcosa,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Schwader, Ann K. “Dead Canyons,” Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Schwader, Ann K. “Gone to Ground,” (poem) Dark Energies.
Schwader, Ann K. “Set Comes to Whitechapel,” (poem) Dark Energies.
Schwader, Ann K. “The Thirst of Sekhmet,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
Schweitzer, Darrell “Were-?” Flesh Like Smoke.
Sharma, Priya “The Absent Shade,” Black Static #44.
Sharp, Jonathan “Skoptsy, Whispers from the Abyss 2.
Shearman, Robert “Accursed,” Horrorology.
Shearman, Robert “And This is Where We Falter,” Terror Tales of the Ocean.
Shearman, Robert “Blood,” Seize the Night.
Shearman, Robert “Lump in Your Throat,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Shirley, John “The Claw Spur,” Edge of Sundown.
Simpson, Daniel “The Winter Stream, “Insert Title Here.
Sisamis, Rodopi “The Cypress God,” She Walks in Shadows.
Slatsky, Christopher “Film Maudit,” Resonator.
Slatter, Angela “Bearskin,” The Dark #7.
Slatter, Angela “Lavinia’s Wood,” She Walks in Shadows.
Slatter, Angela “Ripper,” (novella) Horrorology.
Smith, Clint “Animalhouse,” Nightscript I.
Smith, John Claude “Cooing,” Nightscript I.
Smith, Michael Marshall “Afterlife,” Horrorology.
Smith, Scott “Up in Old Vermont,” Seize the Night.
Snyder, Lucy A. “The Abomination of Fensmore,” Shadows over Main Street.
Snyder, Lucy A. “The Yellow Death,” Seize the Night.
Snyder, Lucy A. “While the Black Stars Burn,” Cassilda’s Song.
Southard, Nate “The Cork Won’t Stay,” Nightmare #34, July.
Sterns, Aaron “Vanguard,” Cthulhu: Deep Down Under.
Stevens, Dana “The Leap,” The Blumhouse Book of Nightmares.
Strantzas, Simon “In the Event of Death,” Black Wings IV.
Strantzas, Simon “Scraps of Paper,” Breakout, Postscripts 34/35.
Strantzas, Simon “The Last Embers,” Undertow Chapbook Series #1.
Stufflebeam, Bonnie Jo “Dance Our Shoes to Pieces,” Farrago’s Wainscott #14, April.
Surface, David “The Sea in Darkness Calls,” (novella) Darkest Minds.
Surface, David “The Sound That the World Makes,” Nightscript I.
Sutton, Pete “Latitude,” North by Southwest.
Taaffe, Sonya “All Our Salt-Bottled Hearts,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Taaffe, Sonya “Ghost Signs,” (poem) Ghost Signs.
Taaffe, Sonya “I Love You Like a Mountain,” The Long and the Short and the Tall.
Taaffe, Sonya “Red is for Soldiers,” (poem) Ghost Signs.
Taaffe, Sonya “The Boatman’s Cure,” Ghost Signs.
Tanzer, Molly “But Only Because I Love You,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Tanzer, Molly “Do Not Loiter in the Glen,” The Burning Maiden 2.
Tanzer, Molly “Grave-Worms,” Cassilda’s Song.
Tanzer, Molly and Bullington, Jesse “The Curse of the Old Ones,” Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Taylor, Amy & Andy “Shirley,” Sharkpunk.
Taylor, Lucy “In the Cave of the Delicate Singers,” July 27.
Tchaikovsky, Adrian “Crossed Gates,” Breakout, Postscripts 34/35.
Tem Steve Rasnic “The Brollachan,” Nightmares Unhinged.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “Deep Fracture,” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “Monkeys,” The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “The Fishing Hut,” Black Static #45.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “The Grave House,” Strange Tales V.
Tem, Steve Rasnic and Tem, Melanie “Night Market,” Expiration Date.
Thomas, Jonathan “Sand Bar,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
Thomas, Lee “The Lord of Corrosion,” Queers Destroy Horror.
Thomas, Richard “From Within,” Slave Stories: Scenes from the Slave State.
Thomas, Richard “White Picket Fences,” Shadows over Main Street.
Tidhar, Lavie “Dynamics of an Asteroid,” The MammothBkoftheAdventuresof Moriarty.
Toase Steve “Not All the Coal That Is Dug Warms the World…,”Not One of Us #54.
Tobler, E. Catherine “Lockbox,” She Walks in Shadows.
Tobler, E. Catherine “Silencer….” Interzone #259.
Tobler, E. Catherine “Sweet Water,” Black Static #44.
Tobler, E. Catherine “The Threshold of Waking Light,” Giallo Fantastique.
Tonso, K.M. “The Far Side of Despair,” Darkling Incidence: Obscure Reflections.
Tremblay, Paul “The Ice Tower,” The Burning Maiden 2.
Turnbull, David “The Sweet Meat and the Beet,” Creeping Crawlers.
Tuttle, Lisa “The Book That Finds You,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Tuttle, Lisa “Vastation,” Horrorology.
Tyson, Donald “The Dream Stones,” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Tyson, Donald “The Waves Beckon,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Unsworth, Simon Kurt “Little Traveller,” The Spectral Book of Horror Stories vol 2.
Unsworth, Simon Kurt “The Fool’s Sea,” Professor Challenger:New Worlds,Lost Places.
Valentine, Mark “Vain Shadows Flee,” Supernatural Tales, 30, Autumn.
Van Rijswijk, Bethany “Leaf-foot, Petal-mouth,” (poem) Soliloquy for Pan.
Vaz, Joe “After the Rain,” African Monsters.
Venter, Vianne “Acid Test,” African Monsters.
Vernon, Ursula “Wooden Feathers,” Uncanny Issue #7.
Vincent, Bev “The Boy in the White Sheet,” October Dreams II.
Volk, Stephen “The Shug Monkey,” Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places.
Volk, Stephen “Wrong,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Wagner, Josh “The Changing Things,” Lovecraft Ezine #35.
Wagner, Wendy “Three Small Pieces of Pumpkin Pie,” Farrago’s Wainscott #15, July.
Walters, Damien Angelica “Falling Under, Through the Dark,” Black Static #46.
Walters, Damien Angelica “Sing Me Your Scars,” Sing Me Your Scars.
Walters, Damien Angelica “Tooth, Tongue, and Claw,” Nightscript I.
Ward, P. J. “Silvia Reyes,” Protectors 2.
Warren, Kaaron “Body Finder,” Blurring the Line.
Warren, Kaaron “Mine Intercom,” The Review of Australian fiction, #6 vol 13.
Warren, Kaaron “The Bone Mason (Nyarlathotep ),” Illustro Obscurum Collaboration.
Warren, Kaaron “The Gate Theory,” chapbook, Cohesion Press.
Watt, D. P. “Myself/Thyself,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Watt, D. P. Honey Moon,” Soliloquy for Pan.
Waugh, Robert H. “The Black Plastic Rag,” The Blood Tugboat.
Waugh, Robert H. “The Bright Thin Room,” The Blood Tugboat.
Webster, Bud “Farewell Blues,” F&SF January/February.
Weekes, Carol & Kelly, Michael “The Ravens of Consequence,”nEvermore.
Wehunt, Michael “The Devil Under the Maison Blue,” The Dark #10.
Whates, Ian “Sharkadelic,” Sharkpunk.
Whitley, Aliya “To the Farm,” On Spec #99 winter 2014/2015.
Whitworth, E.G. I. “The Path,” Not One of Us #53.
Wilkinson, Charles “In His Grandmother’s Coat,” Nightscript I.
Williams, Conrad “The Offing,” Terror Tales of the Ocean.
Williamson, Chet “Blanket Man,” The Night Listener and Others.
Williamson, Chet “Out of Balance,” Hanzai Japan.
Williamson, Chet “She Sits and Smiles,” Eulogies III.
Williamson, David “And the Dead Shall Speak,” The Eleventh Black Book of Horror.
Williamson, Neil “The Language of Stamps,” Black Static #46.
Wilson, Stephen Lloyd “Miskatonic Schrödinger,” Blurring the Line.
Wise, A. C. “The Lion and the Unicorn,” Lackington’s #5.
Wise, A. C. “Troublemake,” Phobos #3.
Wong, Alyssa “Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers,” Queers Destroy Horror.
Wytovich, Stephanie M. “Head Ornaments,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Yardley, Mercedes M. “Just Beyond Her Dreaming,” Cassilda’s Song.
Yeh, David K. “The Selkie,” Lackington’s #6.
Youers, Rio “Separator,” Seize the Night.
Youmans, Marly “The Child and the Night Gaunts,” Dreams from the Witch House.
My long list of HMs for The Best Horror of the Year volume 8 (pt 2)
Hargadon, Stephen “The Visitors,” Black Static #45.
Headley, Maria Dahvana “The Cellar Dweller,” Nightmare, June #33.
Headley, Maria Dahvana “The Thirteen Mercies,” F&SF November/December.
Hellison, Cat “Golden Wing, Silver Eye,” Ghost in the Cogs.
Helms, Alyc “the Blood Carousel,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #32.
Henderson, C. J. “The Pleasure in Madness,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Hensley, Chad “Daemon Insectarium,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
Herbertson, Craig “The Other House, the Other Voice,”TerrorTalesoftheScot. Highlands.
Hernandez, Carlos “Saturn Devouring His Young,” (poem) Strange Horizons Sept.
Heuler, Karen “All Gods Great and Small,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Hill, Jenni “The Serial Killer Who Thought She Was a Shark,” Sharkpunk.
Hirahara, Naomi “Jigoku,” Hanzai Japan.
Hirshberg, Glen “The Ones Who Are Waving,” Rolling Darkness Review 2015.
Hirst, Richard “Do You Know How to Waltz?” Congregation of Innocents.
Hodge, Brian “Eternal, Ever Since Wednesday,” Better Weird.
Hodge, Brian “One Possible Shape of Things to Come,” Eulogies III.
Hodge, Brian “The Lone and Level Sands Stretch Far Away,” Dark Screams Three.
Hoffman, Ada “Lady Blue and the Lampreys,” Canada Noir.
Holder, Nancy “Baubles,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Hook, Andrew “A Life in Plastic,” Strange Tales V.
Hook, Andrew “Blood for Your Mother” Black Static #48.
Hope, Pandora “Eight Seconds,” She Walks in Shadows.
Hopkinson, Nalo “Flying Lessons,” Falling in Love with Hominids.
Hopkinson, Nalo “Flying Lessons,” Falling Love with Hominids.
Howard, Jonathan L. “Skriker,” Gods, Memes and Monsters.
Howard, Kat “A User’s Guide to Increments of Time,” F&SF March/April.
Howard, Kat “Returned,” Nightmare #28, January.
Howison, Del “Lucky,” 18 Wheels of Horror.
Hunter, Ian “Skye’s Skary Places,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Jager, Michelle “Home Delivery,” SQ Magazine 21.
Jecks, Michael “The Deave Lane,” nEvermore.
Johnson, L. S. “Julie,” Strange Tales V.
Johnson, W. P. “Searching for Gloria,” Exigencies.
Johnstone, Carole “There You’ll Be,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Johnstone, Tom “Face Down in the Earth,” Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Johnstone, Tom “Under Occupation,” Darkest Minds.
Johnstone, Tom “What I found in the Shed,” Supernatural Tales 31.
Jones, Mark Howard “For the Love of Insects,” Creeping Crawlers.
Jones, Martin “Meadow Saffron,” Soliloquy for Pan.
Jones, Scott R. “The Abraxis Protocol,” Flesh Like Smoke.
Jones, Stephen Graham “Daniel’s Theory About Dolls,” The Doll Collection.
Jones, Stephen Graham “The Man Who Killed Texas,” Nightmares Unhinged.
Joshi, S.T. “Incident at Ferney,” That Is Not Dead.
Kadrey, Richard “Ambitious Boys Like You,” The Doll Collection.
Kaelin, R. A. “Mnemeros,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Kalin, Deborah “The Cherry Crow Children of Haverny Wood,” Cherry Crow Children.
Kalin, Deborah “The Wages of Honey,” Cherry Crow Children.
Kazepis, Michael “Minerva,” Giallo Fantastique.
Keevil, Tyler “It’s in You to Give,” On Spec #99 winter 2014/2015.
Keevil, Tyler “Samhain,” Black Static #44.
Kelly, Michael “Hungry, the Rain-God Wakens,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Ketchum, Jack “Group of Thirty,” Dark Screams Three.
Khaw, Cassandra “An Ocean of Eyes,” The Dark #8.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Black Ships Seen South of Heaven,” Black Wings IV.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Dancy vs the Pterosaur,” Sirenia Digest #111.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Dry Bones,” Sirenia Digest 114.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Le Meneur des Loup,” Sirenia Digest 112.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “The Aubergine Alphabet,” Sirenia Digest #109 and 110.
Kilpatrick, Nancy “A Crazy Mistake,” The Madness of Cthulhu.
Kilpatrick, Nancy “Mourning People,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Kim, Alice Sola “A Residence for Friendless Ladies,” F&SF March/April.
King, Jacob Michael “Quo Vadis,” Buffalo Almanack #7.
Koryata, Michael “On the Dark Side of Sunlight Basin,” Seize the Night.
Kowal, Mary Robinette “Midnight Hour,” Uncanny Issue #5.
Kressel, Matthew “Demon in Aisle 6,” Nightmare, November #38.
Kuder, Rebecca “Rabbit, Cat, Girl,” XIII.
Lafferty, Mur “In the Walls,” Drabblecast September.
Langan, John “Aphanisis,” Slave Stories: Scenes from the Slave State.
Langan, John “Corpsemouth,” The Monstrous.
Langan, John “Shadow and Thirst,” Seize the Night.
Langan, John “The Communion of Saints,” Giallo Fantastique.
Langan, John “The Open Mouth of Charybdis,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Langan, Sarah “The Old Jail,” The Blumhouse Book of Nightmares.
Lannes, Roberta “A Raven in the Dove’s Nest,” The Library of the Dead.
Lannes, Roberta “Scarecrow,” October Dreams II.
Lansdale, Joe R. “In the Mad Mountains,” (novella) The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Larner, S.G. “Three Trophies, SQ Magazine 20.
Łaszkiewicz, Weronika “Monster,” (poem), Star*Line, fall.
Laws, Stephen “The End of the Pier,” Terror Tales of the Ocean.
Lebbon, Tim “Skin and Bone,” The Doll Collection.
Lee, Tanith “The Return of Berenice,” nEvermore.
Leslie, V.H. “Bleak Midwinter,” Skein and Bone.
Leslie, V.H. “Ghost,” Skein and Bone.
Leslie, V.H. “Precious Things,” The Outsiders.
LeVoit, Violet “The Electric Palace,” Hanzai Japan.
Lillie, Patricia “The Cuckoo Girls,” Nightscript I.
Lindqvist, John Ajvide “What Kept You So Long?” Seize the Night.
Little, Bentley “Painting by Numbers,” Better Weird.
Littlewood, Alison “The Mystery of the Red City,” The Mammoth Bk of SH Abroad.
Littlewood, Alison “Wolves and Witches and Bears,” Nightmare #34, July.
Logan, Kirsty “Mother of Gians,” The Dark #9.
Long, Nathan Alling “Purses,” Strange Tales V.
Lotz, S. “That Woman,” African Monsters.
Lupescu, Valya Dudycz “Cask,” Schlock Magazine March.
Lynch, H. Andrew “The Rainbow Gun,” Bourbon Penn #10.
Maberry, Jonathan “A Footnote in the Black Budget,” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Maberry, Jonathan “Dream a Little Dream of Me,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Machado, Carmen Maria “I Bury Myself,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #33, July.
MacLeod, Bracken “Morgenstern’s Last Act,” Eulogies III.
Malerman, Josh “A Fiddlehead Party on Carpenter’s Farm,” Shadows over Main Street.
Mamatas, Nick “The Twentieth Century Man,” Ghost in the Cogs.
Mamatas, Nick “Χταπόδι Σαλάτα,” Shadows over Main Street.
Mammone, Robert “Refugees, “ Darkest Minds.
Manzetti, Alessandro “Red Monsoon,” (poem) Eden Underground.
Manzetti, Alessandro “The Dead Circus,” (poem) Eden Underground.
Marshall, Helen “Exposure,” Cassilda’s Song.
Marshall, Helen “The Vault of Heaven,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Martin, Anya “Old Tsah-Hov,” Cassilda’s Song.
Martin, Anya “Sensoria,” Giallo Fantastique.
Martin, Gail Z. “Old Nonna,” The Big Bad II.
Maruyama, Kate “Akiko,” Phantasma: Stories.
Massie, Elizabeth “Fly Away Home,” Eulogies III.
Matheson, Richard Christian “133,” nEvermore.
McAllister, Bruce “Dog,” March 25.
McAllister, Bruce “DreamPet,” F&SF November/December.
McBride, Michael “Tears of the Dragon,” The Library of the Dead.
McDermott, J.M. “Everything is Haunted,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #32.
McDowell, Ian “Dear Dead Jenny,” October Dreams II.
McFadden, Dennis “God is Good,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine January.
McGroarty, David “McBIRDY,” Strange Tales V.
McGuinness, Reiss “Spinal Piano,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
McGuire, Seanan “Down Deep, Below the Waves,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
McGuire, Seanan “Something Lost, Something Gained,” Seize the Night.
McHugh, Maura “Family,” Cassilda’s Song.
McMahon, Gary “Silent Waters, Running Deep,” Sharkpunk.
McMahon, Gary “There’s a Bluebird in My Heart,” chapbook.
McMahon, Gary “Unicorn Meat,” SQ Magazine #20.
McMullen, C.S. “The Other-Faced Lamb,” Aurealis #82.
McNeil, Kevin “The Ghost of You Lingers, The Dark #8.
McNeilly, Sara K. “Perfect Mime,” The Journal of Unlikely Coulrophobia 11.5.
McNish, Cliff “Who Will Stop Me Now?” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Meikle, William “The Banshee,” Carnacki: The Watcher at the Gate.
Meikle, William “The China Dolls,” Carnacki: The Watcher at the Gate.
Melican, Michael, J. “Enfolded,” Aurealis #78.
Metz, Jason “Single Lens Reflection,” Exigencies.
Miéville, China “Listen the Birds,” Conjunctions $64.
Miller, Sam J. “The Heat of Us,” Uncanny Issue #2.
Mills, Daniel “Below the Falls,” Nightscript I.
Mills, Daniel “The Lake,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Millsted, Ian “House Blood,” North by Southwest.
Moan, Lee “The Shoal,” Anything But Zombies.
Mock, Sharon “Notes Found in a Decommissioned Asylum…,”She Walks in Shadows.
Modi, Nissar “The Darkish Man,” The Blumhouse Book of Nightmares.
Mohlere, Virginia M. “A Million Tiny Ropes,” The Journal of Unlikely Coulrophobia.
Moore, Alison “The Harvestman,” Nightjar Press.
Moore, Matt “One Last Drop of Blood to Remember Me By,” Eulogies III.
Moore, Ralph Robert “Learning Not to Smile,” Nightscript I.
Moore, Ralph Robert “Men Wearing Makeup,” Black Static #46.
Moore, Ralph Robert “You Dry Your Tears If They Don’t Work,” Creeping Crawlers.
Moraine, Sunny “A Shadow on the Sky,” Mythic Delirium Jan-March.
Moraine, Sunny “Eyes I Dare Not Meet in Dreams,” Cyborgology June.
Morano, K. Z. “YŪrei no Yado,” Ghosts Revenge.
Moreno-Garcia, Silvia “Blood Alone Remains,” Postscripts to Darkness 6.
Moreno-Garcia, Silvia “Cemetery Man,” Edge of Sundown.
Morris, Edward “Tekeli-Li!,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Morrison, Matthew J. “Sins of Meals Past,” Insert Title Here.
Morrison, Sarah “Flowers of the Chapel,” The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper.
Morton, Lisa “A Girl’s Life,” Innsmouth Nightmares.
Morton, Lisa “The Ogre,” Shadows over Main Street.
Morton, Lisa “Woollen Shirts and Gum Boots,” Blurring the Line.
Muir, Tamsyn “The Deepwater Bride,” F&SF July/August.
Munro, Karen “The Garden,” Nightmare #29, February.
Murakami, Haruki “Kino,” The New Yorker, February 23.
Nadel, Barbara “Our Little Secret,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine February.
Nagamatsu, Sequoia “The Return to Monsterland,” Conjunctions:64 Natural Causes.
Nahrung, Jason “Night Blooming,” SQ Mag 19, March.
Nevill, Adam L. G. “Call the Name,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Newman, Kim “Guignol,” (novella) Horrorology.
Nicolay, Scott “The Wizard of OK,” Resonator.
Niveau, Thana “Behind the Wall,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Niveau, Thana “Going to the Sun Mountain,” Black Static #49.
Oates, Joyce Carol “The Doll-Master,” The Doll Collection.
Ochse, Weston “The Devil Until the Credits Roll,” Midian Unmade.
Oliver, Jennifer K. “Shuffle,” Kaleidotrope summer.
Oliver, Reggie “Trouble at Botathan,” The Sea of Blood.
Opperman, K. A. “In Fits of Wildest Dreams,” (poem) Spectral Realms No. 3.
Opperman, K.A. “The Blood Garden,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Padgett, Jon “The Secret of Ventriloquism” Lovecraft Ezine #35.
Palahniuk, Chuck “Red Sultan’s Big Boy.” Make Something Up.
Palahniuk, Chuck “The Toad Prince,” Make Something Up.
Palisano, John “Lucky Chuck Takes the Sunshine Express,” Whispers from the Abyss 2.
Parker, Lehua “Red,” Old Scratch and Owl Hoots.
Parker, Rosalie “Selkie—A Scottish Idyll,” Supernatural Tales 29, spring.
Partridge, Norman “Special Collections,” The Library of the Dead.
My long list of HMs for The Best Horror of the Year volume 8 (pt 1)
Aickman, Robert “ The Coffin House,” The Strangers.
Aickman, Robert “ The Strangers,” (novella) The Strangers.
Allan, Nina “A Change of Scene,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Allen, Mike “Sad Wisps of Empty Smoke,” (poem) Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology, Jan.
Anderton, Joanne “2B,” Insert Title Here.
Apter, Andrew “ The Man Who Loved Flies,” Strange Tales V.
Arkenberg, Megan “And This is the Song it Sings,” Nightmare, August #35.
Arkenberg, Megan “What Hands Like Our Can Do,” The Dark #10.
Ashe, Paula D. “Carry On, Carrion,” Eulogies III.
Avery, Simon “Going Back to the World,” Black Static #44.
Bacon, Stephen “Bandersnatch,” Black Static #48.
Bacon, Stephen “It Came from the Ground,” Darkest Minds.
Bacon, Stephen “The Cambion,” Cemetery Dance #72.
Baker, Matthew “Proof of the Monsters,” Conjunctions:64 Natural Causes.
Balder, Bo “A House of Her Own,” F&SF Sept/October.
Ballingrud, Nathan “The Visible Filth,” (novella) This is Horror! Chapbook.
Balog, Jonathan “Stay Away from the Accordion Girl,” Chilling Ghost Short Stories.
Barnhill, Kelly “Those Who Remain,” Breakout, Postscripts 34/35.
Barron, Laird “Don’t Make Me Assume My Ultimate Form,” Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Barron, Laird “Fear Sun, Innsmouth Nightmares.
Barron, Laird “Strident Caller,” Whispers from the Abyss 2.
Barron, Laird “The Blood in My Mouth,” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Barron, Laird “We Smoke the Northern Lights,” The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.
Bartlett, Matthew M. “Rangel,” Dim Shores July.
Bartlett, Thomas St. John “Cheap Medicine,” Rolling Darkness Review 2015.
Baxter, Alan “The Chart of the Vagrant Mariner,” F&SF January/February.
Beck, Zeina Hashem “Terror/Mathematics,” (poem) One Throne Magazine February.
Bennett, Toby “Sacrament of Tears,” African Monsters.
Bestwick, Simon “Horn of the Hunter,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Birch, David “Spinnentier,” Creeping Crawlers.
Blackwell, Laura “Bitter Perfume,” She Walks in Shadows.
Boston, Bruce “A Trader on the Border of the Mutant Rain Forest,” Daily SF August.
Boston, Bruce “She Walks in Yellow to Please Her Lord,” (poem) Star*Line, summer.
Bowes, Richard “The Duchess and the Ghost,” Fantasy 29, Queers Destroy Fantasy.
Bradley, Andrea “Opportunity Knocks,” Phobos #3.
Braunbeck, Gary A. “Paper Cuts,” Seize the Night.
Brazos, Rhoads “Omniscopic,” Death’s Realm.
Bright, Matthew “Golden Hair, Red Lips,” Queers Destroy Horror.
Broaddus, Maurice “Dance of Bones,” Walkers with the Dawn.
Brown, Rebecca L. “Her Mother’s Fur,” Mark of the Beast.
Bruce, Sadie “Little Girls in Bone Museums,” F&SF March/April.
Bryant, Edward “Marginal Ha’nts,” Nightmares Unhinged.
Bulkin, Nadia “Seven Minutes in Heaven,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Bulkin, Nadia “Violet is the Color of Your Energy,” She Walks in Shadows.
Burton, Tara Isabella “The Taxidermist’s Tale,” Strange Tales V.
Cacek, P.D. “Memento,” LampLight September.
Cadieux, Keith “Donner Party,” Canada Noir.
Cadigan, Pat “Chilling,” Horrorology.
Cadigan, Pat “In Case of Zebras” The Doll Collection.
Callaghan, Tina “The Underfolk,” October Dreams II.
Cameron, Dana “Whiskey and Light,” Seize the Night.
Campbell, J.R. “To One Table,” Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places.
Campbell, Ramsey “Her Face,” The Burning Maiden 2.
Carpenter, Dustin “Diamond Widow,” Nightmares Unhinged.
Carroll, Mark “Teeth,” Not Your Average Monster.
Cataneo, Emily B. “Hungry Ghosts,” Black Static #45.
Cato, Beth “The City,” (poem) Mythic Delirium October-December.
Chambers, Selena “The Neurastheniac,” Cassilda’s Song.
Chaon, Dan and Barry, Lynda “Mrs. Popkin,” Seize the Night.
Chislett, Michael “The Changelings,” In the City of Ghosts.
Chizmar, Richard “Last Words,” The Burning Maiden 2.
Cisco, Michael “Infestations,” ,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Clark, Stephen “Lithe Tenant,” Soliloquy for Pan.
Cluley, Ray “Knock-Knock,” Probably Monsters.
Cluley, Ray “Mary, Mary,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Coates, Justin “Breach,” Chilling Horror Short Stories.
Cole, Adrian “Running with the Tide,” Creeping Crawlers.
Coleman, Emma “The Glasshouse,” Breakout, Postscripts 34/35.
Comtois, Pierre V. “Second Death,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Congreve, Bill ‘The Pit,” Cthulhu: Deep Down Under.
Connelly, John “Razorshins,” Black Static #47/Night Music.
Connelly, John “The Blood of the Lamb,” Night Music.
Connelly, John “The Lamia,” Night Music.
Constantine, Storm “From the Cold Dark Sea,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Cooper, James “Coffee, Black,” Human Pieces.
Cooper, James “Forever Boys,” Breakout, Postscripts 34/35.
Cooper, James “Texas,” Human Pieces.
Cooper, James “The River Remembers,” Human Pieces.
Corner, Jason “Letters to Logroth,” The Big Bad II.
Cornford, Laurence J. “Gedney,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Cotronis, George “Blackbird Lullabye,” XIII.
Cotter, John “After the Storm,” New Genre, spring, issue 7.
Cottier, PS “The Fruit of Her Hands,” (poem) Midnight Echo 11.
Couzens, Gary “Dog’s Life,” Out Stack and Other Places.
Cowdrey, Albert E. “Portrait of a Witch,” F&SF January/February.
Cowdrey, Albert E. “The Laminated Man,” F&SF May/June.
Craddock, Brian “The Angel of Isisford,” Midian Unmade.
Daniel, Tony “Hell Hounds,” Onward, Drake.
Dawson, Sam “The Weathervane,” The Eleventh Black Book of Horror.
De Burgh, Dave-Brendan “Taraab and Terror in Zanzibar,” African Monsters.
De Nikolits, Lisa “Eve Ago,” Postscripts to Darkness 6.
de Pierres, Marianne “Salvatrix,” Insert Title Here.
Dembo, Arinn “Memphre-Magog,” Gods, Memes and Monsters.
Denmark, Sean “In the Stairwell,” Jersey Devil Press.
Devenport, Emily “Dr. Polingyouma’s Machine,” Uncanny Issue #3.
Devlin, Malcolm “Taximan Rat,” Gods, Memes and Monsters.
Devlin, Malcolm “Two Brothers,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Doig, James “Malware,” Friends of the Dead.
Doig, James “The Land Where Fairies Linger,” Friends of the Dead.
Downum, Amanda “Spore,” Dreams from the Witch House.
Drake, Ennis “We Can Only Become Monsters,” Giallo Fantastique.
Dreadful, Jilly “De Deabus Minorbus Exterioris Theomagicae” She Walks in Shadows.
Due, Tananarive “Vanishings,” Ghost Summer.
Duffy, Frank “Transfers,” Hungry Celluloid.
Duffy, Steve “Even Clean Hands Can Do Damage,” Supernatural Ta, 30, Autumn.
Eckhardt, Jason C. “The Hollow Sky” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Edie, Elise Fornier “You-Go-Back,” Strange Tales V.
Edwards, Malon “The Half Dark Promise,” Shimmer 23 January.
Elliott, Tobin “Prison Break,” Expiration Date.
Emelumadu, Chikodili “Bush Baby,” African Monsters.
Emelumadu, Chikodili “Soup,” One Throne Magazine June.
Etchison, Dennis “Don’t Move,” F&SF Sept/October.
Evans, Julia “Adam, and Laura,” Black Candies Surveillance.
Evenson, Brian “Any Corpse,” Penumbrae.
Evenson, Brian “Seaside Town,” Aickman’s Heirs.
Fahey, Tracy “Under the Whitethorn,” Faed.
Fahey, Tracy “Walking the Borderlines,” Darkest Minds.
Fawver, Kurt “Marrowvale,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories.
Fennell, Megan “Kakashi and Crow,” Scarecrow.
Ferraz, Rafaela F. “The Lady of the House of Mirrors,” Daughters of Frankenstein.
Ferrell, Keith “Be Seated,” Nightmares Unhinged.
Files, Gemma “Calving” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Files, Gemma “Every Hole in the Earth We Will Claim..”Dreams from the Witch House.
Files, Gemma “Guising,” October Dreams II.
Files, Gemma “Hairwork,” She Walks in Shadows.
Files, Gemma “Twilight State,” Genius Loci.
Fischer, Jason “The Dog Pit,” Cthulhu: Deep Down Under.
Fleming, Patrick “A Nothingale,” Canada Noir.
Fletcher, Tom “Desert Stories,” Congregation of Innocents.
Fletcher, Tom “The Home,” Chapbook. Nightjar Press.
Flinthart, Dirk “A Friend in the Trade,” Striking Fire.
Ford, Jeffrey “The Thyme Fiend,” March 11.
Ford, Jeffrey “Word Doll,” The Doll Collection.
Forman, K. Scott “The Stranger Within,” Old Scratch and Owl Hoots.
Forth, John “Molli & Julli,” The Eleventh Black Book of Horror.
Fortier, Mary Genevieve “In Stately Pious Prayer, “ (poem) Ghosts Revenge.
Foster, John C. “Burial Suit,” Death’s Realm.
Franks, Jason “Darkness Beyond,” Cthulhu: Deep Down Under.
Fultz, John R. “Anno Domini Azathoth,” That Is Not Dead.
Futter, Ian “The Writer,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Gallagher, Siobhan “You Are Dead, Sir,” Phobos #3.
Gallagher, Steve “Heroes and Villains,” The Doll Collection.
Gavin, Richard “Neithernor,” Aickman’s Heirs.
German, Wade “Occult Agency,” (poem) Spectral Realms 2.
Gerrold, David “Monsieur,” F&SF Sept/October.
Glover, J. T. “Hunger Full and Lean,” The Lovecraft eZine 34.
Glover, John “Mercy’s Armistice,” Big Bad II.
Golaski, Adam “Wild Dogs,” Supernatural Tales, 30, Autumn.
Goodfellow, Cody “Garden of the Gods,” Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
Goodfellow, Cody “Purity Ball,” Flesh Like Smoke.
Goodfellow, Cody “Red Americans,” Whispers from the Abyss 2.
Goodfellow, Cody “The Anatomy Lesson,” The Madness of Cthulhu.
Goodfellow, Cody “The Green Revolution,” Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Gorman, Amelia “Bring the Moon to Me,” She Walks in Shadows.
Grant, Helen “30” Supernatural Tales 30, Autumn.
Grau, T.E. Mr. Lupus,” Mark of the Beast.
Gray, Amelia “Away From,” Gutshot.
Gray, Amelia “Gentleman,” Gutshot.
Gregorio, Michael “Kosher,” The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper.
Gresh, Lois “Werewolf Root Canal,” Mark of the Beast.
Gresh, Lois H. “Of Queens and Pawns,” That is Not Dead.
Grey, Orrin “Guignol,” The Burning Maiden 2.
Grey, Orrin “Painted Monsters,” Painted Monsters.
Grey, Orrin “Programmed to Receive,” Resonator.
Grey, Orrin “Strange Beast,” Painted Monsters.
Grey, Orrin “The Red Church,” Giallo Fantastique.
Grifant, K. C. “What the Storm Brings,” The Lovecraft eZine 34.
Gross, Dave “The Wendigo,” Gods, Memes and Monsters.
Guignard, Eric “Car Trip Bingo,” SQ Mag 22.
Guignard, Eric J. “Last Night,” Mark of the Beast.
Haber, Karen “On the Shores of Destruction,” The Madness of Cthulhu Two.
Halsall, Rachel “Hunting,” Wild Things.
Halterman, Adam “Broads and Batwings,” Phobos #3.
Hannett, Lisa L. “A Shot of Salt Water,” The Dark #8.
Hannett, Lisa L. “Consorting with Filth,” Blurring the Line.
Hannett, Lisa L. “The Canary,” The Dark #10.
Hanson, Michael H. “Dusty Tears,” (poem) Dark Parchments.
Hanson, Michael H. “Flock of Angels,” (poem) Dark Parchments.
Hargadon, Stephen “The Toilet,” Black Static #49.
The “HWA Know a Nominee” interview
I was interviewed about my HWA nominated anthology The Doll Collection, but the interview was never posted, so here it is:
HWA Know a Nominee 2016
1. Please describe the genesis for the idea that eventually became the work(s) for which you’ve been nominated. What attracted you most to the project? If nominated in multiple categories, please touch briefly on each.
ED: I’ve been collecting weird dolls and doll parts for several years now and eventually the idea almost naturally popped into my head to put together a doll horror anthology.
2. What was the most challenging part of bringing the concept(s) to fruition? The most rewarding aspect of the process?
ED: The most difficult part was coming up with the right title. A great title is often the key to actually attracting the interest of a publisher. I had the idea, and noodled around with a proposal for a couple of years, with no idea of what to call it. Finally, during lunch with my friend Veronica Schanoes (a writer and academic with whom I’m friends and who subequently wrote a story for the anthology) she came up with THE DOLL COLLECTION, which I knew was perfect.
For an original anthology, it’s always a challenge to wrangle the writers I’ve solicited into writing a variety of stories tied to one theme. As the stories come in, I need to weigh them against what I’ve already bought. On the other hand, it’s a joy to know that many of the stories that are in any given anthology would not exist if I’d not solicited them.
And of course, the finished book itself, with stories and interior photographs illustrating it, pleases me greatly.
3. What do you think good horror/dark literature should achieve? How do you feel the work(s) for which you’ve been nominated work fits into (or help give shape to) that ideal?
ED: As a reader, I want to experience a distinct feeling of unease, combined with being drawn into a situation by characters that I find interesting and believable. I want stories that work on more than one, superficial level. I want a story to be memorable. An anthology of course contains many stories. The Doll Collection has seventeen stories and I hope that it least a few stick in readers’ minds.
4. I’m curious about your writing and/or editing process. Is there a certain setting or set of circumstances that help to move things along? If you find yourself getting stuck, where and why?
ED: By necessity, I must wait for solicited submissions to arrive. Those submissions usually come in a few months after I initially ask for stories. That’s the point I start reading and accepting stories. If I love a story but think it needs a lot of work, I’ll communicate with the author right away and although I may not at that point commit to buying the story–I’ll suggest we work on it until it’s in good enough shape to accept it. This might require several rewrites. There will be a final line edit by me a couple of months before I need to hand the full mss in to my publisher. The great thing about working on more than one project (different anthologies and at a time is that if I get restless or just can’t focus on one project, I can read for or edit one of the other projects on which I’m working.
I sometimes get stuck thinking up an idea for another anthology to pitch to my various publishers. I’m always burned out toward the end of writing up my summary of the year for the Best Horror of the Year series.
But I try to give my brain a break and always come up with something.
5. As you probably know, many of our readers are writers and/or editors. What is the most valuable piece of advice you can share?
ED: As an editor, you must be able to reject stories, even by writers who are your friends. And always remember, it’s not your story it’s the writer’s. For a writer/editor this is especially important: don’t impose your writing style or voice on another writer’s work while editing them.
6. If you’re attending WHC this year, what are you most looking forward to at this year’s event? If not attending, what do you think is the significance of recognitions like the Bram Stoker Awards?
ED: Seeing and hanging out with writers, artists, editors, and agents, movie makers, and everyone else connected to the business. I just want to have fun.
7. What scares you most? Why? How (if at all) does that figure into your work or the projects you’re attracted to?
ED; In real life I’m scared by political extremism (within and outside the US) and a seemingly increasing intolerance of each other’s rights (in the US). This relates not at all to what I work on.
8. What are you reading for pleasure lately? Can you point us to new authors or works we ought to know about?
ED: I don’t have time to read specifically for pleasure so I try to combine my reading for the Best Horror of the Year with novels I hope will dovetail with that reading. So I only read what’s being published in the year for which I’m reading (best horror). I recently finished Richard Kadrey’s new novel THE EVERYTHING BOX, a non-Sandman Slim novel (the new one in that series is coming soon). They’re very entertaining very dark fantasies with horrific elements. I read Elizabeth Hand’s new Cass Neary novel HARD LIGHT, which is a terrific dark thriller (with supernatural elements) about a great anti-hero- a fucked up photographer famous for her photos of the drug-infested east village of the punk era. Just out. And in the middle of Matt Ruff’s excellent take on Lovecraftian lore called LOVECRAFT COUNTRY.
Victor LaValle’s THE BALLAD OF BLACK TOM, a novella (I edited it) is another fine take on Lovecraftian horror from the point of view of a young black man from Harlem in the 20s. LaValle is better known in mainstream than horror although his novels BIG MACHINE (winner of the Shirley Jackson Award) and THE DEVIL IN SILVER are both with the sf/f/h genre, particularly the second. He’s someone to watch.
Livia Llewellyn has a new collection out this year-her second-called FURNACE and it’s spectacular. Horrific, often sensual, and always disturbing-the perfect winning combination.
Call for Submissions Best Horror of the Year volume 9
Call for Submissions
I am editing the anthology series Best Horror of the Year (Night Shade Books) and am currently reading for the ninth volume, which will include all material published in 2016.
I am looking for stories and poetry from all branches of horror: from the traditional-supernatural to the borderline, including high-tech sf horror, supernatural stories, psychological horror, dark crime, or anything else that might qualify. If in doubt, send it. This is a reprint anthology so I am only reading material published in or about to be published in 2016. Submission deadline for individual stories is December 15th 2016. I’ll look at galleys or manuscripts. Authors should check that their publishers are sending review copies to me as I don’t have time or energy to nag publishers to get me material. I request it once (maybe twice) and that’s it.
I will look at e-versions of anthologies and collections if they are navigable and have running heads. Otherwise I will not read them. But I really really prefer print, if your book is available that way.
You can query me as to whether I have your collection or an anthology in which you have a story at
There will be a summation of “the year in horror” in the front of the volume. This includes novels, nonfiction, poetry, art books, and “odds and ends”– material that doesn’t fit elsewhere but that I feel might interest the horror reader. But I must be aware of this material in order to mention it. The deadline for submissions to this section is December 30th, 2016.
Ellen Datlow
Best Horror of the Year Volume Nine
PMB 391
511 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10011-8436
****I regularly read many magazines and webzines that publish horror (Black Static, Dark Discoveries, Cemetery Dance, Supernatural Tales, F&SF, The Dark, Nightmare, and the other digests, etc) or from anthologies and collections, unless I don’t have or can’t get that anthology or collection. Again, please ask your publisher to send me the magazine or book. For online publications, I prefer that you email me individual files.
Please do not send an SASE. If I choose a story you will be informed. For confirmation that I‘ve received something, email me at
thank you
Ellen Datlow
Editor and reviewer
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